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New startup CQAir? Some serious concerns...

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Aug 3, 2004
So a few folks that I know have been receiving emails from a supposed startup company called CQAir out of Allentown, PA.

A few of us have done some digging into this company and the request for applications that have been put out. The more and more we dig, the more and more it looks like it might be a scheme to obtain personal information.

So far here's what we've come up with...

The company's website: www.cqair.com is operational only parttime (sometimes it's up and other's it's not), however the "recruiting" department continues to send out emails with updates on the company's progress on getting ops running. These email include requests for applications which contain personal information (Name, SSN, employment history, addresses, etc).

The cached files for the company's website reveal a very basic, almost amateur website. Furthermore, the website includes google ad banners at the bottom. I have never seen an "official" corporate website that advertises services other than it's own or it's affiliates. And certainly not one that uses something like a google "banner".

A search of the whois registration database for the website lists a "privacy" service which hides the true owner of the website. No other airline that I could find hides this information. Phone numbers associated with the website lead back to a phone number in New Jersey.

A traceback of the routing and IP address leads to a Linksys router with remote administration. Once again, it seems odd that a company (regardless of how small, but particularly an airline) would be hosting their site through a $100 Walmart router.

The phone numbers: 610-258-5195 and 908-479-9894 are both unlisted-interesting way to run a business... The address leads back to a building for sale in PA with lots of other tenants- including "Pak Mail", which could be a front for a mail forward service? Other tenants include a tanning place, a hair salon, State Farm insurance, and a hot wing restaurant to name a few...

Overall, there's just something fishy about the whole thing. You might want to consider further researching this company or waiting until they get a certificate before submitting an application with your life story on it. Identity theft really sucks...
For those who do not subscribe to pPrune, their was a piece of sh!t named Neil Robertson (who turned out to be nothing but a fraud and a pedophile) in the UK who pretended to be the DO of AfriCargo flying CL44s out of SA back in the late 90's. A number of people I know sent him their particulars.

Be careful, folks.
Oh no!!! Not the guv again???
Having just finished looking at the application and supplements for Pinnacle Airlines - the application and supplements on this site are identical with the corporate names changed.

Why would a recruiting site ask for a SS number? Sounds sorta fishy to me. Funny thing is that even if it is, it's tough to get any credit out any pilot who would be trying to get on at a regional level. Probably get denied for a $300 credit card.
I just called "CQ air" and asked them some questions. One question was whether or not an applicant needs an ATP. He said I did but then I told him I had the written complete but not the practical portion and he had no idea what I was talking about. When asked whether or not the company was legitimate he said he didn't know how to respond to that except that there were crewmembers in class right now and airplanes purchased. I call bull$hit. Has anyone been offered a class date with this company...not that I have heard of. I then asked where these "crewmembers" are based and he said "all over." I suggest everyone calls them at 908-479-9894 and ask pressing questions concerning their legitimacy such as what is their operating certificate number, etc.
I'm sorry to say that I filled out their application and sent it in. I never heard anything back until the other day when I got another email identical to the first requesting that I fill out an application. If these guys are for real, they are not very organised. Oh, and it's possibly a coincidence but I recently had to cancel my debit card because of some fraudulent transactions. I feel like a fool.
This operation sounds a lot like that "start up" in 2000 named Legacy Airlines out of KSYR.... the dude in charge was named "Padre" or something whacky like that. Ended up being a total joke!

I would call the local FSDO. They should know if this company is legit or not.

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