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New Skywest RJ rates????

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I'm sorry too, sometimes I take this board way too seriously. I think we will give up some cash, but overall we will still hold the bar up high for the rest of the industry--which is good for you and me. The only people who seem to get rich these days are the people in management. Take it easy.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes:
Slow down easy...

Taking this message board seriously: DEFINATELY a sign of sickness...

Primarily caused by:

A) Long layovers with internet access
B) Too many months on reserve
C) Furlough


Corona with lime poolside with baseball game on the radio.
By Sleepy
That does not sit well with me, probably the way you will feel when Mesa undercuts you for the United flying
Hey, did you notice smart guy that we signed a contract with United for the next 11 years and now own over 50% of the United Express flying.
Take your childish namecalling and take a hike. I think the old saying of "keep your mouth shut so no one knows you're a fool instead of opening it and removing all doubt" definitely applies here.
There were seven airlines bidding on the united flying. The fact that we got the contract when our 50 seat pay rates are still amoung the highest in the industry makes me dang proud to work here. Our seventy seat rates are actually higher than some companies also. We get to fly both, gain more flying, and have a profitable company to work for. We don't have the luxury/horror(take your pick) of being wholy owned. This means we have a lot more expenses than those who are. We have to pay a lot more lease and depreciation costs that others do not. And we still have some of the highest pay. We are not being asked for concessions.
To me, in these times, there is no name calling that can change the way I feel about where I work.
By the way, I did vote no to the TA, but life goes on. Let's just hope we get it right in 18 months.
If you are really a pilot, here is somethings you might understand.
You might even be smart to figure this out:

"Your pilot group wants them, and is willing to offer to operate them for way less than we do"

How do you figure that? 53% voted to fly 50-99 seats a/c for 2 year old rates, I am gonna go out on a limb here, the CR7 has 70 seats right, 50-99 same price per the new agreement.

"I can only conclude that you are trying to take them from us by being a "low-ball" bidder"

OK, still out on the limb here, I bid on flying lines, to fly as a pilot. If SKYW bids on flying that is their job as a company.
I nor do the pilots have any say on what SKYW bids for, nor how much they bid.

"That does not sit well with me, probably the way you will feel when Mesa undercuts you for the United flying".

I am sorry that the above do not sit well with you, perhaps you should reach around, and into your Pull-Up Pampers and remove some of the stuff that will not allow you to sit well.
I can only conclude that you are a very young and foolish young person or an older version of the previous description.
I seem from your posts that this may be the only communications you can understand, you POO-POO head.

P.S. What Mesa does or does not do, will not cause me to lose sleep, you might even understand this: business's compete with each other that is capitalism, if you keep makin' me take you to school I'm gonna you charge tuition.

pilot pay???

What I find funny in this whole discussion it the fact that pilot pay is the only thing that the majors look at.

Skywest has been graded with our on time performance since Jan. We have been the #1 airline in the country 3 times. Do you think that UAL ignores that. Quality does still matter.

Our contract is not getting us more business, our attitude, our customer service, and the way we treat our customers is getting us more business. If you want to blame the pilot contract, which is still higher than most, go ahead.

But as Flyingtito said, "I am domn proud to work for Skywest" even if we make $4 less an hour than CMR to fly a 70 seater.
I think it's ridiculous that we're trying to justify our TA to people that PFT'd or work for carriers that until recently were PFT. My memory of the 90's is still pretty clear.

I have never heard anyone say nor seen a post on our internal forums that stated anything to the effect of "vote for the TA so we could take XYZ's 70 seaters."

Although the TA has drawbacks we are still near or at the top for compensation among UAX carriers for 50&70 seats. I'm not saying it's a great TA but we're not going to know the real outcome for another couple of years. How many UAX pilots are guaranteed to avoid paycuts in equipment they currently operate? How many UAX pilots will maintain their pre 9/11 work rules for the most part?
I shouldn't be posting, It's too fricking late.... But

Where do you people think we are???
We are regional pilots. The regionals have always sucked in the pay department and always will. Now that the industry has tanked we all start thinking about actually staying at our little regional for the long haul. Guess what? That's pretty lame. Every one of our companies will be whipsawed into oblivion. I dig flying for SKYW, it's a great company to work for right now, but I'm not planning on staying here 'till I'm 60. I was hired on with no pension and I know I will not have one until I get hired on with a company that does. If you want money, chill out until the industry turns up and then go to the majors. If you think you are too old, that's crap. After 3 years at a major, I'll not only be making more than I would if I stayed, but I will have made up my losses from my first year pay.

If you folks STILL want to blame someone, how about you blame Delta ALPA and United APLA for our crappy pay. They opened up the "RJ pandoras box" ie. "limited scope" by alowing their company to let the regionals fly any jets at all. It's their fault for not having the RJs flying on their property with their pilots. I can see how the union negotiations went...

Management - "Hi guys, we want to give our cheap regional partners small jets."

UALPA - "Hell no, only we fly jets!"

Management - "How about we give you guys a pay raise."

UALPA - "OK, but just 65 small jets and only up to 50 seats."

Management - "Sure, that's it. We promise it will only be 65 and no bigger than 50 seats. Trust us....."

Talk about caving to management................

I've already lost my job once due to Mesa and United (remember Westair) and I'm not losing it again. I heard the same crap working there that I've heard from all the "NO" voters here. "United likes our product" and the one I love, "No one can replace us quick enough, let alone have the airplanes and resources." BullS#$T

I don't trust United management, never will. They would sell us out in a heartbeat and still might. Remember, SKYW only has a MOU with United not a contract. Let alone we all know how United honors their contracts. In case you're slow, THEY DON'T. I bet they went to Mesa and said, "Pssst.. This is what we got from SKYW, any chance you can under bid it?"

I'd better stop typing before I turn off on another tangent and I'm starting to go crosseyed.
PBRstreetgang said:
If you are really a pilot, here is somethings you might understand.
You might even be smart to figure this out:

"Your pilot group wants them, and is willing to offer to operate them for way less than we do"

How do you figure that? 53% voted to fly 50-99 seats a/c for 2 year old rates, I am gonna go out on a limb here, the CR7 has 70 seats right, 50-99 same price per the new agreement.

"I can only conclude that you are trying to take them from us by being a "low-ball" bidder"

OK, still out on the limb here, I bid on flying lines, to fly as a pilot. If SKYW bids on flying that is their job as a company.
I nor do the pilots have any say on what SKYW bids for, nor how much they bid.

"That does not sit well with me, probably the way you will feel when Mesa undercuts you for the United flying".

I am sorry that the above do not sit well with you, perhaps you should reach around, and into your Pull-Up Pampers and remove some of the stuff that will not allow you to sit well.
I can only conclude that you are a very young and foolish young person or an older version of the previous description.
I seem from your posts that this may be the only communications you can understand, you POO-POO head.

P.S. What Mesa does or does not do, will not cause me to lose sleep, you might even understand this: business's compete with each other that is capitalism, if you keep makin' me take you to school I'm gonna you charge tuition.

Wow, a lot of name calling there, especially for a Mormon boy. I still think you are scum. Most of our pilots think the same thing. This is pointless, I'm out.

But as Flyingtito said, "I am domn proud to work for Skywest" even if we make $4 less an hour than CMR to fly a 70 seater.

really.. ive been here under 4 years and am making 69.91 plus 1.65 per diem... didnt realize u were getting as much as u claim...
I'm not going to debate that there is better pay out there. For where I work and the quality of environment that I work in, the places I fly and the people I get to fly with... you get the idea, I still wouldn't want to work anywhere else. It doesn't have to be some big competition. As a total package, I was just saying I'm glad to work here.

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