I'm not riling anyone up. The company has already done that.
I'm asking you questions. Questions you can't seem to answer. Questions you don't want to deal with.
You go back to the same old line of union thuggery.
I'm not just randomly choosing hardline statements. I'm asking you why is the company demanding this but you don't acknowledge it.
Keep riding that fence. Your theories have been proving wrong at every step and your only argument is you're getting bullied. You can't even support your own talking points.
You should be fired up. You should be disgusted that the company wants to destroy your benefits, reduce your pay, increase your work hours and decrease your time off.
But hey let everyone else do the heavy lifting for you.
See you at the Vue.
They want us to work harder and take less pay and benefits. We want to make more and work less. Why get angry during the early negotiations? Lets keep bargaining and lets see what the final product is that we can vote on. I don't understand getting angry. Of COURSE they want to give us less compensation. We want to make more, should that make the company mad at us? Grow up. It is not "disgusting" for the company to try to compensate us less. its not "disgusting" for us to want to be compensated more. The bargaining process is always this way. All we care about is the contract offer we vote on.