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NetJets TA fails miserably

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El Chupacabra said:
Knowing how to lead: I was taught that as a 1/LT when a Colonel said to me... "Take care of your Marines and your Marines will take care of you."
So it took until you got promoted to "1st Lt" for a "Colonel" to "teach" you that very basic bit of common sense.

Why wouldn't you learn that early on during PLC, OCS or AOCS, or at least as a newbie 2nd Lt?

Looks to me like you aren't who you claim to be, or you are simply making up simpleton "there I was" leadership trivia knowledge stories.

Les Paul
Starman said:
Guess Hawkered, Les Paul, Publishers and all the other naysayers can go crawl back into their holes now.
Maybe you should get YOUR facts straight before you get all giddy typing my name in your little rant.

If the PILOTS don't like the TA, then vote it down. I would have. Please show or quote me where I insisted how the Netjets Pilots should vote.

I had two points that I made on this TA.

First... be REALISTIC with your expectations.

Second.. DO NOT allow outsiders to dictate how YOU should vote. There was NOODGEJETWIFEY that was posting 100 posts a day, 24 hours a day, pressing THEIR agenda, insisting how the pilots should vote. And the spineless Netjets pilots on this forum refused to stand up to her. Pathetic...

Third... NOODGEJETWIFEY has already started their new 24 hour posting campaign, and pointing out what Netjets Pilots should be thinking and doing. Here is the proof:
Netjetwife said:
Anyone seeing the error of their vote, can now give their support to SU and join the 82% of the pilotforce that is fighting for a good contract for everyone. When you read their posts and talk to them, you'll find that the SU leaders are very interested in helping the group pull together, mend rifts, and move forward to a better future.... blah, blah, blah...

Finally, you can try and be all condescending about me "crawling back into my hole"... but remember I wouldn't take a job a Netjets with the compensation package they offer, and the fact is that my "ROCK" that I crawl too pays me 5 times what you make genius.

Les Paul
Les Paul said:
So it took until you got promoted to "1st Lt" for a "Colonel" to "teach" you that very basic bit of common sense.

Why wouldn't you learn that early on during PLC, OCS or AOCS, or at least as a newbie 2nd Lt?

Looks to me like you aren't who you claim to be, or you are simply making up simpleton "there I was" leadership trivia knowledge stories.

Les Paul
You are a real bad dude, Mr Guitarman. Graduating from beating up Pilot's wives while hiding behind electrons I see.
Thanks for the laugh, El Chupacabra! MOST of us understood your "training" comment perfectly. Some I've given up on entirely--they'll never "get it"!
Let's not forget that pay is only ONE of the issues to be settled in a new TA. (my that sounds good...new TA...doesn't it?) The pilots' surveys will tell our new leadership what to fight for, and I have no doubt that they will do their best, including hiring experts if they need to, to get the most for the most. That said,balance, gentlemen/pilots, is an important feature of any good contract. Balance is built upon a foundation of fairness, something that was conspicuously absent in the rejected (by 82%!) TA. (rejected...that sounds good, too)

On our NJWives board, pay is also discussed. I want to say that those wives are not being greedy; they have no wish to "bite the hand that feeds them". They just want to see their husbands treated/paid like the professionals they are. They want to be able to afford a newer car (many of us drive vehicles over 7 yrs old--my car is a 1990 model) live in a safe neighborhood (many became trapped in areas that have gone downhill as they waited for a new contract) and set money aside for their children's education (the mothers of teenagers are particularly worried about this). No one, that I know, is asking for a lavish lifestyle; but everyone I know expects a contract that is FAIR!

Note: We are not discriminating against the husbands of female NJ pilots--none have asked to join our support group. Should any do so, we'll gladly change our name to NJ Spouses Group.
UPSer said:


God forbid a pilot breaks out of middle-class and makes a decent salary....no need for that...

netjetwife said:
Let's not forget that pay is only ONE of the issues to be settled in a new TA. (my that sounds good...new TA...doesn't it?) The pilots' surveys will tell our new leadership what to fight for, and I have no doubt that they will do their best, including hiring experts if they need to, to get the most for the most. That said,balance, gentlemen/pilots, is an important feature of any good contract. Balance is built upon a foundation of fairness, something that was conspicuously absent in the rejected (by 82%!) TA. (rejected...that sounds good, too)

On our NJWives board, pay is also discussed. I want to say that those wives are not being greedy; they have no wish to "bite the hand that feeds them". They just want to see their husbands treated/paid like the professionals they are. They want to be able to afford a newer car (many of us drive vehicles over 7 yrs old--my car is a 1990 model) live in a safe neighborhood (many became trapped in areas that have gone downhill as they waited for a new contract) and set money aside for their children's education (the mothers of teenagers are particularly worried about this). No one, that I know, is asking for a lavish lifestyle; but everyone I know expects a contract that is FAIR!

Note: We are not discriminating against the husbands of female NJ pilots--none have asked to join our support group. Should any do so, we'll gladly change our name to NJ Spouses Group.

Dear God, someone put a muzzle on this...

God forbid a pilot breaks out of middle-class and makes a decent salary....no need for that...

Are you kidding me? G200 and I agree on something. :)

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