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NetJets TA fails miserably

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Burn baby burn.

And one of the MEC just resigned.

this day keeps getting better and better.
Diesel said:
And one of the MEC just resigned.

Which one? The little one? It doesn't surprise me anywhere near as much as the idea of them running for re-election
For wife

Why is every time, pilot salaries come, they are immediately compared to top management. Airlines can not even legally exist by the FAR’s without some of the members of top management. They regulated positions under Part 119. I saw an article in ATW in the past couple years that stated at DAL there were 17 members of top management made more than the top DAL Captain. The combined top 17 salaries equaled less than 1/6 of 1% of the combined pilot salaries. If management worked for free all pilots in the company would get a 1/10 of 1-% raise. Boy that raise would really make the pilot group happy. Top management possesses skills that allow them to move from job to job and command high salaries. When a CPA tax attorney making $100/yr in forced to look for another job, he will find he may have to settle for a $75K-$80K job. Pilots are unique in the high salary business and can only command high salaries because of a seniority system. When a pilot looses his job, he goes to the back of seniority line and may go from $125K per year to $30K as a new F/O. So preserving the seniority in your present position is almost always in the best interest of the pilot.

No one should make more than the pilots.... All management pukes should be limited to 80% of FO pay. Hopefully we can get this in the next TA
Ed cid get real

Without managment you would not have a job flying airplanes. Who would work in managment at those pay levels? Someone has to put an organization together before you get to push the go sticks forward. If you have the anwers, it your duty to step up and lead. Seeing an AV-8 in your IDS, you know about that
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I didnt say get rid of management... Just want to give them an incentive to do their job. If they want to make the big bucks they got to make 'em for me. The Sky is the limit.

I want to give them the chance to be leaders. The way management should work is to SERVE the workers. The goal of management should be to LEAD the workers to Financial Success.

The way its done now is the more they screw the pilots the better off they are.

Knowing how to lead: I was taught that as a 1/LT when a Colonel said to me...

"Take care of your Marines and your Marines will take care of you."

It did not take me long as a civilian to learn thats not how Airline Management works. Management needs to learn how to run a business that does not make its profits off of underpaying pilots.
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My thoughts exactly, how do you get that management? Start your own operation? Become management? Shop and find a place with that managment?, I also do not have the answers. But trashing everyone in managment is not the answer either.
Well... I'm glad it did rejected! I am not surprised.

If Harold Powell and the Fab 5 had demonstrated what seems to be illegal election tampering, and it had been more obvious than it was made only a week ago, the rejection percentage would have been even higher. By at least one anyway.

I think at his point we should just get out of The Teamsters altogether!
pilotyip said:
Without managment you would not have a job flying airplanes.
And without pilots you would not have a job managing. Works both ways huh? No disrespect intended toward you pilotyip, but it SHOULD BE a team effort and at netjets it is no longer that. There is no leadership whatsoever. The onus is on management to lead. They have no idea how to do that.
The problem w/leaving Teamsters altogether, is that they have the money/dues. Do you really think they'll just hand it over and say "Good luck, go for it"???

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