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NetJets TA fails miserably

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Oct 14, 2002
82% no vote.

1440 No
306 Yes

Guess Hawkered, Les Paul, Publishers and all the other naysayers can go crawl back into their holes now.

Come on Hawkered tell us how all those folks that signed the petition were going to vote yes on the TA.
Starman said:
82% no vote.

1440 No
306 Yes

Guess Hawkered, Les Paul, Publishers and all the other naysayers can go crawl back into their holes now.

Come on Hawkered tell us how all those folks that signed the petition were going to vote yes on the TA.
Are you guys still going to use/rely on those gangster Teamsters? Or will you form a new union? Those Teamster guys are pathetic....
Baby steps. Baby steps my friend.

New MEC first.

Separate from the Local 284 is next.

An INDUSTRY LEADING contract to be proud of is next.

Down the road... after countless other enhancements are corrected... we will see if the Teamsters are worth keeping around.

At this point... I'd look for more from ASAP. (Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots).
Kiss of death

Industry leading contract, where have we heard those words before, lets see UAL, yep, DAL, yep, it certainly did wonders for those pilot groups.
pilotyip said:
Industry leading contract, where have we heard those words before, lets see UAL, yep, DAL, yep, it certainly did wonders for those pilot groups.
I have no dog in this hunt but I feel I need to comment anyway. To say that UAL's and DAL's woes are because of their pilots industry leading contracts and paychecks is incredibly shortsighted and ignorant.

There I feel better now. And no I am neither a UAL or DAL pilot.
The point is that NJA pilots will hopefully be able to hammer out a contract that will at least be AN IMPROVEMENT over the proposed TA... I agree with FLYLOW22, baby steps at first. Look at the big picture and aim for an improvement in general and then work out the details later.

Very happy for you guys and gals.
Get real

Hey danger kitty and elcid, no I do not think you should fly for free, but I think making $100K per year flying an airplane is a good wage. I have never seen it. The comment about UAL and DAL industry leading wages, is a fact of airline history. UAL was a profitable airline until their pilots held the airline hostage for a 35% increase, with sick outs, grounding flights, and other slowdowns. The instant that contract was signed UAL was no longer profitable. The high margin business traveler never came back. Even with the cutbacks, those top guys at UAL and DAL are still making close to $200K, most of us could live on that. Read the WSJ and Crandalls comments on Thursday 10-14. Airlines have to cave in to strikes if they want to survive; they do not give pay raises because it is best for the long-term survival of the company. What is ignorant is assuming you take more money from a company that is martially profitable.

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Let's be fair, shall we?

Why is it that complaints of high wages are only directed at the pilots, and NOT management as well? Many of their salaries are outrageous! When my husband was laid off at AA, we watched the managers try to protect their own pay (it came out in the end) while calling for steep cuts throughout the pilotforce. The compensation given to just ONE of them, would have kept quite a few of the lower paid pilots on the payroll. Payraises and paycuts need to be applied fairly. I don't think that is usually the case and until it changes you should not be surprised that the pilots are defensive.

How about that 82%! Go SU!

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