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FLYLOW22 said:
I'm sure, however, that if the Dispatchers and/or Schedulers of NJA would like representation in future cases that Local 1108 could provide Union signing cards that would enable you to do so.

It's simply a choice that only you can make. 1108 can't do it for you and would also have no power to do anything unless you do so.

Thanks for the laugh!!! Unions are on the way out. 13% of all U.S. employees are unionized (and decreasing) according to ABC news just this week, compared to 50% in the 1960's.

Besides I like my job and I like getting raises. Why do I want a beaucracy to screw that up for me like it's done for you?
Some Dude said:
Dispatcher you are clueless. You DID NOT GET THE MEMO FROM BOISTURE? I did get the memo from BOISTURE STATING THERE IS A GO TO TEAM AND THE FACT THAT THE SCHEDULERS DID ACCEPT GIFTS. You know nothing. I WAS PART OF THE INVESTIGATION AND I WAS ASKED BY THE COMPANY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION. Boisture ADMITTED THERE WAS FAVORTISM. You don't know CRAP because you WERE NOT THERE. You are WRONG once AGAIN. Also if you attended a company recurrent you would hear Boisture himself state their is a GO TO TEAM AT NJA. So shut the f up about crap you don't know anything about.

Don't confuse the memo with the investigation. The investigation cleared wrongdoing by any schedulers of the accusations made. The memo describes a legitimate use of "Go to" crewmembers for legitimate reasons that can't be balked by the union. So get off your high horse with your "know all" attitudes.
Dispatcher you are wrong again. The schedulers did accept gifts. You didn't read the memo. I know you were NOT part of the investigation. YOU ARE CLUELESS SO DON'T TRY TO DEFLECT THE FACTS. DON'T TRY TO ACT LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED OR WHAT WAS REVEALED. YOU WERE NOT THERE. THE ACTIONS WERE ENDORSED BY THE COMPANY, THAT IS WAY SOME PILOTS ARE STILL GETTING 40 TO 70 EXTENDED DAYS A YEAR. Now explain to me what the f the "Go to Team" is. You act like you know so much but you do not.
I will tell you this: If it were up to me, you better believe I would have a "Go to" team at this company. Just recently a crew denied an International trip because they didn't know how to use the HF radios. Now, when Mr. Big$ makes a MIA-TKPK reservation who do you think I'm going to schedule? Capt. Clueless or Capt. Dependable? Union poltics aside, its just a no-brainer.
dsptchrNJA said:
Who's going to be more accurate? You, who flew a couple of tours with this guy (who knows what details were left out?). Or an outside private investigator who has his entire NJA flying history at his fingertips and interviewed all the schedulers to get all the facts?

Sincerely, any reasonable person would have probably thought the same thing, including myself, given only the said facts. But GET OVER IT ALREADY, you were proven wrong! No reasonable person would keep claiming the truth based off 25% of the information after he was proven wrong. Pathetic!

The details I left out were we also went to Portland, Maine, Vegas, Sun Valley. Overnighted in all. Did I mention the CP called and had long loving chats every day? Come on dsptchr, you have to see it for what it is.

Funny that investigator never talked to any pilots that I know. Your probably more privy to the details though. Did the investigator talk to any pilots? If I was investigating I think I would...
dsptchrNJA said:
Thanks for the laugh!!! Unions are on the way out. 13% of all U.S. employees are unionized (and decreasing) according to ABC news just this week, compared to 50% in the 1960's.

Besides I like my job and I like getting raises. Why do I want a beaucracy to screw that up for me like it's done for you?

Ahhh. But the fact is that the majority of aviation employees REMAIN unionized.. even today. The %'s in aviation are greatly UNcharacteristic of %'s in U.S. Labor abroad.
dsptchrNJA said:
I will tell you this: If it were up to me, you better believe I would have a "Go to" team at this company. Just recently a crew denied an International trip because they didn't know how to use the HF radios. Now, when Mr. Big$ makes a MIA-TKPK reservation who do you think I'm going to schedule? Capt. Clueless or Capt. Dependable? Union poltics aside, its just a no-brainer.

I find it hard to believe that anyone with a type rating to fly any jet does not know how to use an HF radio. Duuuuuh...you pick up the mike and push the button to talk. Sounds like someone needs to go back to flying Barons for the night freight outfits.

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