Your right about that, I agree. Thats why I got involved with the union in the 1st place back in my former life.
OK Bill,
Since the stars have aligned, the universe is upside down and we are using F.I. for this discussion (which goes beyond comprehension).
Answer this.... With a simple "YES" or "NO" please.
Is it your opinion that NJI LINE pilots should have an advocate from within their ranks that is not hand selected by anyone from management but comes from within, to work with you/NJASAP/Okatie concerning the implementation of the LOA?
(Bonus Question)
If you do feel NJI pilots should have someone representing their interests in these discussions, are you willing to make sure that happens? Will you guarantee this person unfettered access to all meetings and people working on the integration?
Captain William Vaughan (I know you, now you know me)
More questions if you don't mind sharing
You never answered my question about noticing if there was an issue between the NJI/NJA pilots when you first came to NJI.
It's amazing to me, someone with all of your union experience would be oblivious to the NJI NJA issue.
Were you told by your leadership that integration would never happen?
Were you never aware that the NJI pilot group was asked on more than one occasion for integration?
What unionized carrier did you fly for before coming to NJI?
What was it like flying for and representing pilots in a union leadership position, at a unionized carrier, then leaving for non-union carrier?