dsptchrNJA said:The more I read your guys posts the more you show how little you know about the company and does nothing to make me want to take up your cause. All company information (propaganda) aside I can see with my own experiences and understanding alone that you guys aren't even close to knowing how this company makes business decisions. You taking sell-offs personally as if it was an afront to the pilot force is a joke. Anytime a conversation like this turns personal I know you've run out of inteligent things to say. I won't join you.
I was here long before dispatch started too, and I won't even reply to half the other crap because it's not worth it. Stick to your conspiracy theories as long as you want. Trash the company as long as it makes you feel good. Go ahead show your true character while enjoying your anonymity. I know too many good people, pilots included, at this company to let you ruin their name - but your doing a good job for everyone else who reads your threads. If my opinions are harsh than maybe I'm speaking up for those who are really scared that you are going to unneccesarily ruin their livlihood. I'm responding to the "who cares about anyone else - what have we got to lose" mentality demonstrated earlier in this post by people who could give a rip about this company.
LR45JI was right. We've at least got to respect each other because at the end of the day we are on the same team. I have removed my comment about the " vehicle upgrade" with due respect to those who have more appropriate motives.
Yeah. Like upgrading from potted meat.....to spam.