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National ALPA Skywest=SCABS

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My uneducated guess would either be a scope protection (i.e. gojets), or to prevent a sympathy strike from happening if ASA ever gets released.
Dude, no offense, but uneducated is right. Sympathy strike? Just not going to happen in this industry. It's difficult enough for an airline to get released themselves for negotiating purposes, much less for solidarity. Most regionals have little or no scope protection so, that's probably not very likely either.

The reasons SGU doesn't want a union should be pretty obvious. They're the same reasons many of the pilots want one. A binding contract wouldn't allow "pen-stroke policy changes", toothless negotiating tactics, etc.
Med, talked with a CP who said that by April, we would be flying that much out of SLC. Most likely coming from ATL and LAX! We still have ship 703 and I don't think it will go anywhere. Either way, we are going to grow out of LAX and we are the only ones that can do that flying. Talked with our hotel person who is getting the hotels and he says that he is checking into getting rooms all up and down the west coast. Only time will tell! Relax and be patient!

You might have checked the daily report on ourasa before making that bold statement. Look at the bottom of the report for OCT 30 - 4 flights canx because 703 was transferred to Skywest.
The reasons SGU doesn't want a union should be pretty obvious.


do you believe that it is purely an issue of pride on the part of BH, JA, RR, et al? or do you suppose that it might just be possible that they feel that it would negatively affect the company bottom line (which, or course, negatively affects all employees)?
Wrong! Skywest is taking a couple of planes right now, two 700s. Delta and SKYW Inc decide where the planes go, while pilots fly them. ALPA has no control over that. If that were true, beings ASA is cheaper on the 200s, SKYW would transfer all the 200s to ASA right?


Last time I checked...SkyWest bought ASA from Delta. Therefore we own ASA and their assets. So sir, please help me overcome my ignorance and explain to me how we're "taking" a couple of your planes.
I have a question...it was mentioned that SkyWest pilots are scabs and will not be able to be hired elsewhere because they are not ALPA. Can you ALPA kool-aid drinkers ask me this then???

How come we have an a$$load of United furloughs here that are being recalled in the next few months. If they are scabs wouldn't United not bring them back. Also how come I personally know many people here that are going to Continental, FedEx, etc. Their ALPA...what's the deal.

Also how come every ALPA carrier pickets, yet I came from an ALPA carrier to come to SkyWest and have been happy ever since. My QOL here at SkyWest is better than any other regional out there right now.

You might want to read Wing's post about cancellations and aircraft transfers, it appears that 703 has been transferred.

Guess the CP was blowing smoke, or doesn't know squat.
Last time I checked...SkyWest bought ASA from Delta. Therefore we own ASA and their assets. So sir, please help me overcome my ignorance and explain to me how we're "taking" a couple of your planes.

You don't "own" squat.
The parent company of SkyWest Airlines owns ASA.
The two airlines are simply two subsidiaries of the same company. Some back office operations are combined at SGU while operations are controlled separately.

Hopefully that helps you overcome your ignorance.
Last time I checked...SkyWest bought ASA from Delta. Therefore we own ASA and their assets. So sir, please help me overcome my ignorance and explain to me how we're "taking" a couple of your planes.

You own nothing. You feel good about yourself now because your chances for upgrade and progression have been improved due to the fact we are losing aiplanes and jobs at ASA. I can tell you now that ASA pilots and the Association wouldn't allow it if the situation were reversed. Thats the difference between you and me. Feel good about it if you must.

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