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I can't stand the drift..........let's get back to NW.
Yeah, at one time I didn't realize how many losers troll around here. I made the mistake of thinking this board had something to offer. Over time I have come to the realization that this board is full of rude retards. A person can't do anything not approved of by a group of total losers on this board without being insulted endlessly. So check my time now...being full of crap is what the most of the people here are, now I'm just joining in.

It's funny, people here think the internet offers them annonymity, when in truth it just exposes them for who they are. In a lot of cases it just shows what rude losers you are...it certainly doesn't show you to be great aviators, just people who would be unwelcome almost anywhere, except of course the internet.

True, there is a great deal of non-constructive hurling of insults that goes on here. That's a given. I think that you need to take a good hard look at yourself, before you complain too loudly about others. As I recall, the first time our paths crossed, I'd posted an opinion you disagreed with and you were responding. As I remember, you started your post with "You're a F-ing a$$hole". I'm not particularly bothered by this sort of attack, but like most adults, I recognize that it does say a fair amount about the author. For an absolute fact, it does show your rant about how rude and insulting posters are to be nothing but sheer hypocracy. That wasn't an isolated incident, either. In other threads in which I've noticed your "contributions" you behaved, quite frankly, like a jerk. So, if you're genuinely concerned about the tone and atmosphere on this forum, you need work on your own behavior.
True, there is a great deal of non-constructive hurling of insults that goes on here. That's a given. I think that you need to take a good hard look at yourself, before you complain too loudly about others. As I recall, the first time our paths crossed, I'd posted an opinion you disagreed with and you were responding. As I remember, you started your post with "You're a F-ing a$$hole". I'm not particularly bothered by this sort of attack, but like most adults, I recognize that it does say a fair amount about the author. For an absolute fact, it does show your rant about how rude and insulting posters are to be nothing but sheer hypocracy. That wasn't an isolated incident, either. In other threads in which I've noticed your "contributions" you behaved, quite frankly, like a jerk. So, if you're genuinely concerned about the tone and atmosphere on this forum, you need work on your own behavior.

Better watch the creative spelling for cretin words that what they band me for!!!!
True, there is a great deal of non-constructive hurling of insults that goes on here. That's a given. I think that you need to take a good hard look at yourself, before you complain too loudly about others. As I recall, the first time our paths crossed, I'd posted an opinion you disagreed with and you were responding. As I remember, you started your post with .

Yeah A-Squared, I remember that thread. To date, I'm yet to see anyone post another thread that was as far off base as what you posted. You caught me by suprise and I over-reacted.

Am I perfect? No. At times I over react to the insults that do get hurled, but it is a rare (if not a non existant case) were I insult anyone without someone starting it. The negative comments I made on this thread occurred after days of watching one-sided insults getting hurled.

Honsetly, I never cease to be amazed by the number of pilots who get all pumped up on themselves because they fly. To me it is an easy and enjoyable activity, no harder than driving a motorcycle and I certainly don't let it effect my ego. Some of the people on here act like everytime they takeoff and land they get smarter, bigger and stronger...if only it were so, they wouldn't insult other people so often.

What about all of your posts? You never come off as a jerk? ;)

Here A-Squared, four posts down on your list:
" you've been talking out your a$s on the subject. Try to focus, I know it's difficult"

Do you think you don't sound like a jerk because you have a thicker logbook then others?

Alright, I am going back to my normal habits of mainly lurking. Enjoy your negativity and all the warmth it brings.
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Sorry, I am no longer going to talk about my ferry flights. You can thank the flamers for that.

Why not? Who cares if they don't approve of your accepted risk profile, your grammar or the after hours exploits with your bisexual wife. I'm sure I'm not the only one who could give a rats arse about that... your life, your decisions. I would like to hear about the flight though.
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