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Mesaba D Day

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mesaba2425 said:
Don't forget the fancy signs they get to make.

hahaha oh ya I almost forgot! Its comforting to know our dues go toward markers, glue, computer programs and other things to make such fun designs. I wonder what the next ALPO slogan will be. They are so clever with their use of the word Balls and hold the line and full pay til the last day.
Sorry D... Judge just ruled in the 3 unions favor in the 1113c at Mesaba. Just like with the FA's at Comair....

You are a peice of work. I can tell you never got past econ 101. The guilded age is over. You can accept your failure in life, but the rest of us will continue to fight for a "FAIR" wage. Bend over for management you will enjoy it.

XJ employee
Hanger 10 said:

You are a peice of work. I can tell you never got past econ 101. The guilded age is over. You can accept your failure in life, but the rest of us will continue to fight for a "FAIR" wage. Bend over for management you will enjoy it.

XJ employee

I was fairly certain the judge would rule against the company. These are exciting new grounds that haven't been tested yet. We arent quite ready for a successful motion however it will be successful some day. The cats out of the bag though. Unions simply got way too out of control over the years asking for outrageous things. I actually did get past econ 101. I realize that the glory days are over and you cant just keep raising ticket fares to justify outlandish wages. Regulation ended long ago, its time to start acting like it.
Sorry D... Judge just ruled in the 3 unions favor in the 1113c at Mesaba. Just like with the FA's at Comair....

Im not too suprised at this. Judges dont really like treaded into uncharted waters. I believe the time has not quite come yet. However one day a ruling will be the opposite and it will be exciting new waters to explore. Its kind of like being christopher columbus you never know where the journey is going to take you. Hopefully it takes you to where rouge unionism starts to come to an end.
D'Angelo and Mesaba 2425 can suck mngt's di@# !!!!! Good job on standing strong guys!! - from a furloughed XJ'er.
D'Angelo said:
Im not too suprised at this. Judges dont really like treaded into uncharted waters. I believe the time has not quite come yet. However one day a ruling will be the opposite and it will be exciting new waters to explore. Its kind of like being christopher columbus you never know where the journey is going to take you. Hopefully it takes you to where rouge unionism starts to come to an end.
The judge said this.

"This, of course, was the opposing doomsday scenario projected during the
proceedings on this motion.97 We are, apparently, to believe that a strike is utterly unavoidable, and
that it would be so universally supported that it would bring down the Debtor’s operation. This, then,
is supposed to make rejection-and-imposition a nuclear option that simply should not be

The number one factor opposing rejection, the union still has influence when it counts.
I would consider the XJ experiance the "rouge" managment. Stop with the ALPA bashing. ALPA still has funtion. XJ case in point. Management will take advantage of employees as far and as long as possible to pad their pockets. Labor will take advantage of windfall profits to raise their standard of living. Balance of power in economic cycles. Without colective bargining I would be making poverty wages. "FAIR". Take a history class about the economics of the Guilded age. It may be enlighting. If you object to ALPA so much, go to work for Colgan or ************************* and you can enjoy union free company. Maybe this will bring and end to "Rouge" mgt.
Maybe D...hopefully it will be against you, then you can have your wish of working for sub Mesa wages and rules.
Did the airline business make me a cynic?

I can't help but think that this judge dosen't really care if Mesaba survives or not .. . they're chump change in the grand scheme.

Think about it . . .. Delta, United, Northwest . . . they all got to dump everything (or would have, had there not been last second agreements) including wages, benifits, pensions, etc. That's because the judges didn't want to be responsible for 50,000++ people being out of work.

No so Mesaba . . we're talking what? 5000/6000 max?

Good job on hanging tough . . . but I'm not sure if this really means Mesaba is going to be around 1 year from now.

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