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MESA TA Question

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2002
Is the new Mesa TA out? Anyone know the details? Interested in the pay, days off, 401k match, per diem etc... (the important stuff
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Mesa TA
Mesa MEC

Tentative Agreement Summary


Section 1: Recognition

New NMB certificate number for:
Mesa Airlines
Air Midwest
Freedom Airlines
All flying performed by "Mesa Air Group" Pilots
Length of wet lease/contract flying time now 60 days versus 90 days
No creation of "alter-ego" airlines
"Successorship" and "Transfer of Assets" language
Protection of pilots if Mesa Air Group acquires/transfers
Allows pilots the opportunity to follow aircraft if assets are

Section 2: Definitions

"Company" - now includes:
Mesa Airlines
Air Midwest
Freedom Airlines
Any other airlines acquired or established by Mesa Air Group
"Pilot" - now references "Mesa Air Group"
Other New Definitions reflect FAA training terms

Section 3: Compensation

Pay increases are guaranteed
New rate increases every 18 months
Addition of Company's 97.5% Controllable Cancellation pay
Controllable defined as:
Schedule adjustments
Aircraft damage
Historic average from Mar 2000 to Oct 2002
Of the 32 months, 8 months would not have met the requirements
Company will now pay 150% for all open time flying, including Junior

Section 4: Minimum Bid Period Guarantee

Current Book

Section 5: Expenses

Rate of $1.15/hour with annual increase based upon CPI
Language added requiring the Company and Association to meet
regarding any lodging concerns
Transportation for PHX based pilots from PHX to Williams Gateway
Training Facility
Moving expenses:
Company pays up to 9000 lbs of household goods through an agreed upon
moving company, or
Company will pay an allowance plus $500 if pilot self moves with an
agreed upon truck/van rental (Ryder, U-Haul)

Section 6: Deadhead

Current Book

Section 7: Vacation

Vacation week Sunday through Saturday
All 52 weeks eligible for bid
Cancellation notice
4 weeks, previously 2 weeks
Any documented non-refundable deposit reimbursed for cancelled
vacations (except for voluntary training)
Annual bid

Section 8: Sick Leave

Sick leave buy back program (productivity incentives)
"Catastrophic Illness Protection"

Section 9: Leaves of Absence

Jury Duty may be vacation or sick leave

Section 10: Physical Examinations

Incorporates System Board settlement
Chief Pilot's or designee's request for doctor's notes with
reasonable cause

Section 11: Training

Notification Requirements
7 days for training
5 days for PC/PT
considered notified until returned to line
Training contracts are now straight line amortization
50% reduction for 45 days notification of resignation
Set dollar amounts for Jet, TP 20-40 seat, TP 0-19 seat
SA transportation to training center in PHX for PHX based pilots

Section 12: Hours of Service

Minimum Days Off
Line Holders: minimum 10 days off per bid in domicile or TDY domicile
Reserve/Mixed Line Holder: minimum of 8 days off per bid in domicile
or TDY domicile
Pilots in training current practice

Section 13: Scheduling

Consecutive days off to 3 groups of 3 days for lineholders
best effort)
Consecutive days of to 2 groups of 3 days for reserves (to the extent

New Timeline for Scheduling Distribution

CB=Current Bargaining Agreement, TA=Tentative Agreement

§ Pilots required to fly carryover trips

§ During Integration, FAR conflicts will be resolved by
dropping either shifts or segments

§ Uncovered flying created during integration will be
assigned to pilots, in the following order:

o Line Holders

o Mixed line holders

o For IOE or consolidation

o Reserve

§ Call Me First (CMF)/Call Me Last (CML)

§ Extended Reserve Call Out provision

§ Ready Reserve incorporated

§ Company has right to reserve up to 5% of all known
for consolidation only

§ Continuous Duty Overnight cannot be scheduled for more
14 hours of continuous duty

Section 14: Transfer to Non Flying or Supervisory Duty

Management/Supervisory pilot return
Will return to a vacancy as per Section 23
Previously, came back solely on seniority
Pilots who transfer between the training department and the line
Instructors awarded domiciles in accordance with seniority
Now paid according to their equipment and seat as per Section 23
Instructors will not appear on the bid roster for bidding a line when
assigned to the Training Department
Instructors that are not in the domicile for the entire bid, will not
be on the roster
Instructors returning to their domicile in the middle of a bid, will
be assigned reserve until entitled to bid a line

Section 15: Miscellaneous Flying

Dual qualifications
No dual qualifications required (aircraft)
Only for Supervisory pilots
Previously for training pilots

Section 16: Seniority

All reference to Mesa Airlines, now Mesa Air Group
Posting of Seniority List
Now on computer
Previously via bulletin board

Section 17: Furlough and Recall

Unlimited recall duration (previously 6 years)
Recall bypass rights
all junior pilots to furlough are recalled
at 12 months from date of furlough

Section 18: Grievances

Attempt to resolved issues with department supervisor

Section 19: Discipline and Discharge

No suspension will be without pay pending an investigation
Exception, an immediate FAA certificate action for safety issues

Section 20: System Bard of Adjustment

Language changed to current practice

Section 21: Agency Shop and Dues Check Off

Inclusion of ALPA PAC dues check off
Complete membership information provided monthly

Section 22: General

Commuter Policy
Crew lounge, language requiring cooperation between the company and
the Association

Section 23: Filing of Vacancies

Permanent Vacancy
more than 112 days (4 bid periods)
previously 120 days
Temporary Vacancy
14 to 112 days
Previously 14 to 120 days
Posting of temporary vacancy language
No less than 3 days
Previously 72 hours
Vacancies postings require a 10 day notice, previously 7 days
New submission of bid will be via:
Certified Mail
Car mileage allowance rate while on TDY
Previously, 0.20/mile

Equipment Commitments
18 months for Turboprop CA
36 months for Jet CA
TP F/O can only move to CA on same equipment or to CA on jet
ERJ pilot can move to CRJ (fleet combination)
CRJ CA can NOT move to ERJ, except for substitution/displacement
No seat locks
Pilots will be trained and qualified on all aircraft derivatives

Section 24: Insurance Benefits

After 24 months the Company will guarantee a 2% match on 401(K)

Section 25: Duration

54 months from date of signing 15 Equipment Commitments
Okay, how about the meat & potatoes question. What is the proposed pay schedule for Mesa for the 50, 70 & 90 seat RJ's. Are you gonna seat a good example? Or are you gonna drag the industry down with lower payscales??
Were going to drag them down Freedom pilots make more than our pilots with the new Ta, Also the1900 guys can not go to jet fo it will be a new hire probally from MAPD with 300 hour. the 1900can only uprade to jet Capt. Our company is a piece of $hit and our MEC are a bunch of sell outs. Also Alpa approved this just for the J4J!! We got nothing in the deal other than the scope!!!!!
If that is the truth, then rally the troops and vote that garbage TA down!! It truly is embarassing.

drag down

The only information currently available on the TA is what DoinTime posted - a summary. Actual language may be ready, but has not been posted, or it may still be in the works.

Big Dog1,
You make it sound like the scope is NOTHING. Let's look at Piedmont, Allegheny, and PSA. They have no scope...they have no single seniority list and they are being played against each other as well as against the various contract carriers, not just us. They like to demonize us in particular just to make themselves feel better. Sure they had great payscales, work rules, and benefits, but did they waste their bargaining power on pay and benefits at the expense of scope and single seniority?

On the bright side for Mesa - we are going to grow like gangbusters as long as AWA and USAirways stay in business. Every FO currently working for Mesa should have the opportunity be a jet Captain in the near future. I am hearing that we will grow three times larger than present size. Mesa will be a major airline as far as revenues are concerned. Hopefully when it is time to renegotiate the economy and the airline industry will be on a more sound footing, and we can negotiate a better contract - knowing that we already have scope in the bag.

Could and should we have held out for more...maybe. I am interested in hearing the road shows and FACTS not just the rumors.

What can I say...you hate Mesa and you probably blame Mesa for all the problems in your miserable little life. WE are not your problem though. YOUR lack of understanding of REALITY is part of the problem. Why didn't your MEC negotiate job protections into your wonderful contract? Were they short sighted?

You might want to start learning about the fundamentals of economics as well. Supply, demand and all that good stuff. In a weak economy you can't just artificially prop up wages and benefits just because you think you are worth it. Well, maybe you can for a short amount of time, but it won't last for very long. If the market can't bear the costs then the market WILL find another way - a cheaper way or more efficient way - whether you and I like it or not.

I know what you are thinking - that am I "whoring" myself out or that I would work for free. Again, I would say that we have to find the right balance of what the market will bear. What is the right balance? I don't know. I would like to think it is more than what we are going to get in the TA, but then again the market is so soft. In case you haven't heard industry experts give United about an 80% chance of going under...chapter 7 that is...

gotta go..dinner is ready

Please do research before stating what the WOs have and don't have. We infact do have Scope. It's a page and a half long so I won't bother putting it here. The one thing lacking in our scope is that we can't keep Group from sub-contracting Express brand flying out to companies like yours.

You mentioned the single-sen. list thing, so I'll bring you up to date. The three WOs sen. lists were already put together years ago in hopes that Group would merge us. It has yet to happen legally. The language in our contracts that was forced upon us with respect to jets for jobs will merge the WOs and staple us to the bottom of MDAs sen. list and flow to Mainline. Inother words if things actually turn around for US Airways Group the Mainline will have to take all of MDA and the WOs before they can hire from the outside. Now I'm not to exstatic about most of the wording, but it is what it is. To top it off single carrier status has been denied by the courts sometime in the past couple of years. US Airways Group has Mainline and the WOs set up in just a way that it walks a very thin line, but is still able to maintain everything separate. In the past week or so our MEC held a meeting, which was later deemed null and void, that disscused a single sen. list again. All WO MECs, according one person on the MEC, agreed that there were more pressing issues to deal with in order to emerge from bankruptcy with

Now is Group playing the WOs against each other? Yes, but not so much anymore and never as much as we've had to compete against contract carriers. To give an example, our FAs while trying to negotiate a concessionary contract to emerge from bankruptcy with the rest of Group, were told directly from Dave that if it was'nt in line with what Mesa has it would'nt be acceptable. Are you starting to see how you guys are hurting us.

You said,"Sure they had great payscales, work rules, and benefits, but did they waste their bargaining power on pay and benefits at the expense of scope and single seniority?"

I hope that your contract sets some sort of higher bar. Becuase if it comes anywhere below the WOs "Concessionary Contracts" and you approve it, you will trully be whores. Rememmber that we were'nt allowed to vote on ours cause they knew it would'nt have passed. You on the other hand get to vote and this is where we will see if Mesa will gladly undercut the WOs. And don't feed us garbage about what the market will and won't bear. The current market can still pay a livable wage, its just up to you to make sure you get it and not hurt others in the process.

If I were you, I would'nt get to exited about all this growth you talk about. It will come at a very high price to alot of good people. Just wait and see how things turn out. Most of the Mainline pilots I talk to are ready to walk out if the pension problem is not solved to their satisfaction.
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First of all I don't hate Mesa, Freedom yes, Mesa no. Second, I do not have a "miserable little life" it is quite good, thank you. I don't consider myself misinformed, nor am I asking or stating that I or anyone else in this industry should get a pay raise. However I DONT think that any of us deserve a pay cut because of the problems the majors are having. We have done nothing but help the majors out. You mention job protection hmm.......let's see

SkyWest NEVER furloughed a single pilot in 30 Years.

Mesa How many furloughed how many times????

Look I don't wanna get into a bashing contest. All I am saying is that you guys have the opportunity to raise your quality of life after you have had to deal with all the stuff J.O. has thrown at you. Who is the Mesa pilot with the Avatar of the Mesa logo & the K.Y. jelly?Yes, I am a little concerened that United will give you some of our flying. Will I be pissed at you? No, it was United who I would be pissed at. After giving them quality service with great on time and completion numbers, while making money for them they are now hosing us. Yes the economy is bad, but if United is making money from us should we have to suffer, no. If you get the contract will you win? Only if you have some respect and negotiate a FAIR CONTRACT. If not then fine, just remember YOU called yourself a whore, not me.

Good Luck
Most of the posts on this board seem to indicate that the actual pay rates are the most important part of the contract. Most people forget about quality of life, work rules, insurance, and retirement. Even if the economy is soft and may not be able to yield the wages that regional pilots as a whole have earned, other parts of the contract could be brought up. 8 and 9 days off...that is so pitiful. Supply and demand be what it is, a shorter agreement can also be negotiated. 2 or 3 years instead of 4 or 5. I am not sure what the duration of the Mesa TA is but I hope for their sake, for all of our sake, it is a short one (if it is passed of course).

so does all this talk about Mesa mean they will soon be hiring again? once they get all this garbage straight.

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