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Mesa out of BK

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SKW could still buy Mesa, if they dont, I think Mesa will buy PSA by next spring, remove the Mesas 200 from service and replace those with 25 new 900's, then merge PSA into Mesa

PDT will be sold to Pinnacle and all dash8s go to Mesaba certificate.

Mark my words.

What makes you think Mesa would buy PSA out of curiosity? Why would Airways sell them off?
These death to Mesa posts are kind of disturbing, think of the families, they're just the same as any of you that are flying for the other crappy regionals.
Mesa sucks!!! I'm sure they have some fine pilots that somehow are stuck in that blender.
SKYW will not merge with a union carrier. We have already have seen this with XE. They will buy assets and grow organically or operate them separately.
SKYW will not merge with a union carrier. We have already have seen this with XE. They will buy assets and grow organically or operate them separately.

How will skw buy assets only? dont mormons have to comply with federal law and contracts? oh I forgot you have no contract, Too much kool aid for you.
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What makes you think Mesa would buy PSA out of curiosity? Why would Airways sell them off?

Liability. That is why everyone is selling their wholly owns.

PSA could be bought for less than 15 million......look at compass, 36 planes operation for 22.5
I've been making payments on our scope with every paycheck since our '03 contract. We should be ready to fight tooth and nail to make it stick.

How is your MEC. Strong or weak. You should ask them how good your scope is. I know SKW found it to be too good and too strong

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