Mesa's other MAJOR problem, is that their on time reliability and performance sucks!! The infrastructure required to support an airline of that size who codeshares with several mainline partners is not present. It wasn't present at my airline until Skywest bought us and dumped some money into the place, i.e. Realignment/organization of our maintenance dept, ASAP, FOQA, AQP, ACARS Weight and Balance, econ speed, pdc, etc. Mesa may have this technology, I am not sure, but what is for sure is that JO hasn't taken the revenue that MESA has made over the last 7-9 years and reinvested it into the operation to give the pilots the tools necessary to do their job safely and efficiently. Instead he lined his pockets. In this business you have to spend money to make money. I wish our ALPA brothers and sisters at MESA all the best, and I wish for JO what he deserves. As Delta mgmt says "Good Goes Round"! Good Luck Johnny!!