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Massive furloughs at Polar

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bman, i agree. this has nothing to do with the pay raise at Polar.

Either Polar is sold, or they are testing our contract.
bman said:
Now I don't know much, but I don't think that the pay raises over at Polar had anything to do with what is happening. I know it may seem that way but airline management is rarely ever quick to react. They have had this plan in the works for a while now. Anyone who thinks different is nuts!!

So what happens now?!

How does this affect a merged "Polass" list. There doesn't seem to be much of a standard for "merger Policy".

I agree, my previous post about pay was as a result of the strike, so few would reap the benefits. I don't think it has anything to do with pay rates, but the work rules Polar enjoys may have helped the process when it comes to the flexibility needed for the classics to compete with the startups. You gotta believe that the strike, and the events surrounding it, didn't help things either. I mean being realistic, if they were to take a poll of the third floor VP's in Purchase on where to take five classics from, where do you think the vote would lean?

As far as the merger, anybodies guess. Anyone out there know of a precedent with ALPA carriers, with one group having some furloughs? It could go anywhere from merge them as is, to pasting the furlough folks to the end with recall rights. I doubt either will happen, more like something in between. It's all open to negotiation.

The result of the Polar FE's taking it up the butt may lead to the end result remaining two lists, FE's and Pilots. Since there's been no official face to face meetings, it's all guesswork.
Re merger. In the 3 that I've been thru the guys on furlough stayed out till they are recalled then took their place on the list where ever the arbitrator had placed them.At one time I remember reading something about no flush and bump being permitted.
so now the airline business is doing what almost every other company is doing, posting record profits and continuing to dismiss employees and lower their pay while turning around and giving executives countless increases
:(Sorry to the Polar Folks. I hope that this is just a Wicked rumor, but if it is not, God Bless. Hopefully both pilot groups can come together and put a stop to this kind of treatment. Merge the lists and make the voice of the pilots Much Stronger!! Good Luck!
Cato's moves are so predictable and yet many chose to keep their head in the sand.... I feel for you guys! Some of us might be able to help. Good luck to you all!!!
furloughfodder said:
No, they can't furlough out of seniority, and the most senior person on our list is an F/E.

They will put out a new system bid, and all the classic pilots will be allowed to bid the -400. The cost of retraining all of these pilots in this massive shuffle will be millions.

Smart move Cato.
You may want to be careful here. He may try a -200 only furlough. Mr. Cato developed a -200 and -400 sub base system within the confines of the Atlas contract. Tossed a large wrench into our seniority system as a regular line guy like me would understand it. Not saying this is the case at Polar, but I imagine he may try it there to under his interpretation. What's to stop him anyhow. An MEC grievance? He may be willing to press the test switch and see if he can save on training costs.

Of course, why listen to me. I gave a warning about a week ago on the dusting off your resumes and most Polar guys told me I was full of it. While it is no secret that I and most Atlas crews view the Polar group as only self serving (Go to this Web Site and Slide Show To See Why) it does not mean we don't feel your pain. We have been there a few times as noted in the slide show.

The Atlas side has a Jobs Committee that was formed due to the regular Atlas furloughs to the benefit of our sister airline and AACS. That committee may be willing to help in placement of Polar crews. Since Polar put out an unsactioned Scab list, I do not know if those on that committee will be willing to help. May be worth a try requesting your MEC to contact them.
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cfire, that's a good point. I know when Atlas's first furloughs came along, the committee was set up. They did an outstanding job with many contacts established. They even had a website with updates and contact info. We were getting regular email updates as well.

It might be worth the Polar MEC's time to contact some of these folks or the chairman (unless he was on the Polar SBC list) and enlist some help. Might save them a bunch of labor, using info already collected and get some of their guys working again.

I just spoke to a guy in the upper levels at Focus, and he says "at this time" their not interested in any Polaroids as a result of the activites during the strike. I'm sure that would change if an airplane showed up on their doorstep all of a sudden (ie, a parked Atlas -200 became available).

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