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Let's Hear it Folks ! You Might be a FR8DOG if......

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You light up a cig on a missed approach.
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Funny stuff

-If you've ever vectored yourself for an approach because the controler cant find you a way onto the localizer, but your sure you can pick your way around the embedded cells.
-If you've been refused fuel because the FBO manager (your friend) thinks its too dangerous to try and beat the approaching BHM tornado.
-If a bag of popcorn seeds are all you eat that night.
-If you have woke up, drooling, with your head on a biohazard stickered box, while commuting home on a lear.
-If you've heard all Crazy Bobs old school frieght dog stories! (Miss yah Big Guy!)
-The controlers offer you block altitudes when it is stormy, cause they know your gonna ask for them anyway.
-Your shoes are wet and soggy on your first leg...thats the worst.
-You can make a 310 sound cool at the bar.

You may be an ex-frieght dog if you miss the hell out of 60 degree banks and
your own rules! Enjoy it guys!
You may be an ex-frieght dog if you miss the hell out of 60 degree banks and your own rules!

When I went from freight back to charter I was lugging two attorneys from RDD to EKA by way of ACV. We broke out about 4K on the approach in a whole over Humboldt Bay. I canceled, racked it over in 45 degree bank and let the nose of the 340 drop as I plummented in on a fr8dawg1 approach. It was then I realized there were people, not boxes, in the back. I leveled off and made and more sedate approach and landing. On the taxi in, one of the attorney's mentioned "that was an interesting approach Eric!". I'd flown him years earlier and he remembered me pretty well as a "git-r-done" kind of pilot. I grinned sheepishly and admitted I forgot I had people, not boxes. He laughed and his trip home was no no more than 25 degrees of bank and standard rate all the way!

You show up in whatever hotel and your keycard doesn't work. Neither does the next, or the next. You're not deterred, you have 15 more cards to go from the same trip. Then you remember that you're at home.

You use the wrong tailnumber for the entire flight, and it doesn't matter because the guy with the number you're using is right behind you.

You've ever been cuffed and stuffed for trespassing because the new police dude didn't know the airport had night operations. Extra credit for making him explain to dispatch why you were late for your flight.

You pride yourself on never having knocked a piece of equipment out of calibration.

Your current company has changed ownership and names multiple times, but the crews and the planes are still the same.

On your new freight outfit interview, you get asked how many approaches to minimums have you done. It takes you awhile to answer because you don't want to incriminate yourself.
You walk into a pilot shop and see the black ties and bars and say "Belts and pen holders?"

You file VFR when it's 500 overcast and visiblity is 1/2 mile, and flight service doesn't question it.

None of your charts have the cover becuase you company has already removed them in preperation for the expiration rebate.

The line boy asks if you need anything and you ask him to clean the feathers out of the back of your plane. You just tell him it's kinda choppy up there today.

Capt. says "Let's eat at Waffle House tonight" and FO says "What's the occasion?"

Girl you meet at the bar asks what kind of a plane you fly and your reply is "Well, the company that made it makes jets"

Your company motto is "It may not be your father's air carrier, but it might be his airplane"
You might be a freight-dawg if........

Your idea of light-chop is a lot different than everyone elses.
You might be a freight dawg if....

You've flown across the Atlantic or Pacific with no auto-pilot.

You've been told you can't land in Reyk because your company owes the Icelandic's too much money and they will repoy the jet!

You've been arrested in a foreign land because your company owes the government too much money.

Heck, you've been arrested in a foreign land just because!

You've been met on the ramp at gun-point in some country south of the border.

You have a girl-friend in several countries.

You've watched AA come close to hitting a mountain down south more than once....they never learn!

You rate the destination by how early the bar's open and the avialability of cheap sex.

Your watch is set on Z time cause you never truely know what time it is..

You know that putting the beer next to the cargo door will have it at just the right temp for consumption upon arrival...

You've gone to NAPA to fix the bird...it's the last leg!

Scheduling has asked you to put the $5000.00 ticket from NRT to DET on your credit card....sure the company will pay you back!

Your shirts are permenantly yellow from a/c unit in the DC8 and you just can't get that smell out of your uniform.

And finally, I just can't think of anymore cause it's 10am and I need to go to bed!
hope my family doesn't see this thread

You know, I have told my parents and friends about the professionalism and responsibility required to fly freight. After viewing this thread and others, I realized just how full of it I was. Who am I kidding? It's about pooping in grocery bags, pissing in bottles, rummaging for food, and overall living like a homeless person. But, there is nothing else I'd rather be doing at this point in my life. I love it. I've got one:

You know you're a fr8dog when you're on your balcony, drinking a beer, and parents loading their kids up for school point up at you and say, "you see, that's why you stay in school".
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You know you're a fr8dog when you're on your balcony, drinking a beer, and parents loading their kids up for school point up at you and say, "you see, that's why you stay in school".



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