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They sell Yuengling at Greene's on Ponce. Got some today. If you can wade through the crowd of vagrants outside, you should be fine.
As long as we are bringing beer to GA a case of Fat Tire would be great.

I still find it amusing that you can't bye booze at the store on Sunday for good home drunken consumption, but you can go to a bar on Sunday and get hammered and drive home.
Ahhh.... The American Way. Laws against doing something safely in your home but letting you go out, get hammered and endager the public. I guess if they didn't do it that way, there would be a lot less stupid lawsuits and out of work slimebag lawyers.

CJA -- I like to believe my avatar is what Martha King looks like when she lets her afro down and takes of that sexy King Schools polo shirt.

TexassPilot1974 -- I'm just taking a break and enjoying a few rounds of the sweet sweet nectar. That way, when I get back to the books, I'll be too drunk to remember that all this studying sucks. Call me.
Got a couple of questions for ya.

I'm a beer lover, but what the heck is Yuengling? Sounds like something I would like, but never heard of it.

Are there areas still so backward that they won't sell alcohol on Sundays? I thought that $hit was over in the 70's.
I know Utah has some F'd up drinking laws, and also Oklahoma has that reduced alcohol beer $hit, but not being able to buy beer on Sundays is asinine.

Man Yuengling is the oldest continues brewer in the good old USA. And it is some dammed good beer. But, try some of the locals favorites like OE 800, Schlitz, or Old Milwaukee. You know Old Milwaukee is some pretty good beer. Me and a million other African Americans can't be wrong
CJA -- I like to believe my avatar is what Martha King looks like when she lets her afro down and takes of that sexy King Schools polo shirt.

Man that Yuengling beer is magic! If Martha King looks like that after a case! I'm catching the next flight to PA. Maybe some of our old, fat ass flight attendants will look HOT!
Sorry gents. The best brew on God's green earth comes from Louisiana.

Try it if you get the chance...Abita Beer.



Oh. The truth is finally spoken.

-The Amber is OK.
-The Purple Haze is great if you're in the mood for a flavored beer.
-Turbodog..... always satisfying. Looks like Guinness, but you can still keep your belt buckled after you've had a few.
-The 20th anniversary is their second best.
-If you can get your hands on the Restoration Ale (which you can't in GA since the distributor decided he didn't like giving a buck a six pack to the New Orleans rebuilding effort...jerkoff..) you will be drinking the best beer you've ever had.
- Abita Light is the best tasting light beer in the world, but you'll be hard pressed to find it outside of Louisiana.
-Their root beer is also shockingly good. The only downside to it is that, well, there's no alcohol.
-Then there's the high gravity. It's called Andy-Gator. It's very hard to find. But for all you Cobb county types, AJ's next to the Kroger at East Lake keeps it on tap.......

... As a matter of fact, if you get to know the folks at AJ's, you can easily get your hands on any or all of the above. Damm good food too.

Sorry, I digress. I find it hard to control myself around conversations involving beer and Louisiana. Dixie Beer ain't bad either, come to think of it....

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