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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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ERJ-140 said:
I don't recall if the thread starter mentioned that previously, but I certainly got it, regardless.

I'm trying to figure out if you want me to go away or want me to stay. Your sentence appears to have a typo.

No typo ... please do not go. This is quite amusing.
Falcon Capt said:
Well you, my little friend, are the luckiest man alive, because you have beaten "Billion to one" odds...

I have an EXACT IP Address match on you and LegacyIIDriver... And I mean EXACT... If you don't believe me, I can send you a screen shot for proof!

Give it up already and stop being such a fake...

Another BS call. Consider that I am posting from various hotels all across the United States on _their_ computers - there is _no_ way you could have an "EXACT" IP address match other than pulling it right out of your butt.

Nice try.
Senior_Citizen said:
What a discussion guys, I'm not interested on participate, but an advice, if the postings of somebody looks like lies, then ignore it, fueling an debate about identities on a blog is an absolete LOSS OF TIME, 100% USELESS.

I'm happy posting whatever I consider is useful to me, I'm not afaired about adverse comments about me and my knowledge. I'm a rookie pilot (also I'm not a pro, my main occupation is as R&D Chief of my own business), I don't know so many things and this forum is a usefull tool to learn, so why to waste my time (and you'rs time) with lies (also chalenging other pilots) thas is useless, a complete no sense.

To ERJ-140: Ideas beats Ideas, don't whorry if no body believe on you, but be careful, supporting ideas with lies is a boomerang, and you'll lost every gained point.

To the ERJ-140 chalengers (FalconC BigD G200 GV...): don't kill the messenger, just destroy de message, the truth doesn't need appasonated defenders.


Now mi opinion: the ERJ-135 is an cheap airliner rugged and cheap to repair (as must be), but as a BizJet, has some "F" on its califications: Poor presurization, Impractical balanced field lenght, and slow (block time), could be a descent corporate shuttle but not a Bizjet, maybe cheaper to buy but its overall value isn't outstanding for a "just-arrived", its no competitor for the G350, maybe for the G200 or the H.Horizon also for the Ce750, but has no chance against the Big Gulfs (or the Dassault's), few days ago we just decided to purchase a G450, and has no comparisions, is like to compare a BMW and a CrownVic (yes both have the same # of seats, also the same range, the CrownVic is cheaper (but slowy), who will choose you to pick up your chief? obviously the BMW, and who is your choice for taxi work (or employes transport): the CrownVic.


Don't bother with being rational. They'll accuse you of being LegacyDriver or "me" or whatever. :)
501261 said:
So you're black and gay, that explains a lot.

Gay as in happy?


My wife and four children will be happy to hear I am a homosexual, now, too. Cute. :)
bigD said:
Well, of course multiple computers can be using the same IP address as reported by the ISP. If Falcon Capt were to look at my IP right now, he wouldn't see what my actual computer's IP address is - instead he'd see the IP that Time Warner has assigned to my router. If I'm busy checking out blondes on campus, he'd see the IP from some UT server or router. If some other FlightInfo member happened to also be posting from behind that router, we'd look like we have the same IP address.

So yeah, it's not an infallibe process, but it's good enough to show that you're full of crap!

Hardly. I have been posting from different IPs all over the USA! :)
ERJ-140 said:
Gay as in happy?


My wife and four children will be happy to hear I am a homosexual, now, too. Cute. :)

Well, you have been proven to be a liar so it might be possible. Hey how about answering those DA-50 questions I shot your way. Shouldn't take much effort or time on your part to come up with them (if in fact you've actually flown the plane).
Falcon Capt said:
DONE! and Passed!!!

I have crossed over to the "Dark Side"...

I am hoping by the "Dark Side" you were refering to you newly aquired type rating? Congratulations!

If by the "Dark Side" you are refering going to work for the FAA well then .... my condolences.

I received your message concerning our Legacy data. I have sent an e-mail to our contact at Embraer in Brazil to ask him what the data difference between configuration "A" and "D". I will let you know what their answer is as soon as I receive it.

Best regards;
Conklin & de Decker Associates
1006 N Bowen Rd Ste B
Arlington, TX 76012
817-277-6402 Fax

I guess we will see what he finds out sometime. At least now it is on Embraer's shoulders to make the corrections. I will post his response when it arrives.
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G100driver said:
I am hoping by the "Dark Side" you were refering to you newly aquired type rating? Congratulations!

If by the "Dark Side" you are refering going to work for the FAA well then .... my condolences.
Yes, I just passed my Gulfstream V Type Rating today... The "Dark Side" referring to the Gulfstream "side" of the Gulfstream/Falcon rivalry...

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