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Leave sinking Comair and go to another regional?

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I know this isn't what anybody wants to hear but our COO said that " it's very likely, Comair will go out of business before Mesa".

Best of luck to all.

N13CA, this is your answer. Never mind the general, something tells me he likes the disturbances he creates here. You should take his comments with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Hope you didn't get offended by my Men on film career aspiration advice.
General Lee

I hope and wish all hell on you and your airline. You are both worthless, and I can't say that any nicer. Had I gone to Compass a few years back I would be on your senority list..... Sorry that it hasn't worked out for people like me. I wasn't here during the strike and I had no say in our union's decisions, so please have a heart attack and leave us humans alone.

Hey Jackass, how about you settle down a bit. Take a few pills and calm down. I did not necessarily read the sarcasm that you perceived from GL's post (even though most of his posts are full of sarcasm). If you need PIC time to advance to a major (if you want to go there), perhaps you should heed his advice and get some Beech 1900 PIC time at Great Lakes, Gulfstream, etc. Why not? No way I would want to start all over again at Eagle - SCREW THAT. Reserves in the regionals BLOWS. No thanks.

Given your Dash and CRJ experience to date, do you have the requisite time/experience to get to the next level (and be competitive)? If I were in your boat, and I had a little flexibility, I would absolutely look for some Turbine PIC time. GL can be harsh most of the time (sarcastic is how I view him), but I didn't sense that in this particular post. PIC time may be the competitive requirement you need.
Thanks for the heads up. I can't read any of GL posts without a little vomit coming up. I apologize for that.
I'd apply at Compass if I were you. You won't be eligible for the flow but there is going to be a ton of movement there in the next few years and you will upgrade to Captain in 2 years. Get the PIC time there while you look for jobs. Outside of Delta, there won't be much hiring in the next few years anyways except for the occasional Virgin, Jet Blue, and Air Tran classes.
I know this isn't what anybody wants to hear but our COO said that " it's very likely, Comair will go out of business before Mesa".

Best of luck to all.

That's true of EVERY airline, 'cause Mesa will NEVER die.

Oh, and Mesa sucks, almost forgot.

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