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Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out
The medical description of his first wound.

By Byron York


Some critics of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry have questioned the circumstances surrounding the first of three Purple Hearts Kerry won in Vietnam. Those critics, among them some of Kerry's fellow veterans, have suggested that a wound suffered by Kerry in December 1968 may have made him technically eligible for a Purple Heart but was not severe enough to warrant serious consideration, even for a decoration that was handed out by the thousands. Whatever the case, Kerry was awarded the Purple Heart, and, along with two others he won later, it allowed him to request to leave Vietnam before his tour of duty was finished.

Kerry was treated for the wound at a medical facility in Cam Ranh Bay. The doctor who treated Kerry, Louis Letson, is today a retired general practitioner in Alabama. Letson says he remembers his brief encounter with Kerry 35 years ago because "some of his crewmen related that Lt. Kerry had told them that he would be the next JFK from Massachusetts." Letson says that last year, as the Democratic campaign began to heat up, he told friends that he remembered treating one of the candidates many years ago. In response to their questions, Letson says, he wrote down his recollections of the time. (Letson says he has had no contacts with anyone from the Bush campaign or the Republican party.) What follows is Letson's memory, as he wrote it.

"I have a very clear memory of an incident which occurred while I was the Medical Officer at Naval Support Facility, Cam Ranh Bay.
John Kerry was a (jg), the OinC or skipper of a Swift boat, newly arrived in Vietnam. On the night of December 2, he was on patrol north of Cam Ranh, up near Nha Trang area. The next day he came to sick bay, the medical facility, for treatment of a wound that had occurred that night.

"The story he told was different from what his crewmen had to say about that night. According to Kerry, they had been engaged in a fire fight, receiving small arms fire from on shore. He said that his injury resulted from this enemy action.

"Some of his crew confided that they did not receive any fire from shore, but that Kerry had fired a mortar round at close range to some rocks on shore. The crewman thought that the injury was caused by a fragment ricocheting from that mortar round when it struck the rocks.

"That seemed to fit the injury which I treated.

"What I saw was a small piece of metal sticking very superficially in the skin of Kerry's arm. The metal fragment measured about 1 cm. in length and was about 2 or 3 mm in diameter. It certainly did not look like a round from a rifle.

"I simply removed the piece of metal by lifting it out of the skin with forceps. I doubt that it penetrated more than 3 or 4 mm. It did not require probing to find it, did not require any anesthesia to remove it, and did not require any sutures to close the wound.

"The wound was covered with a bandaid.

"Not [sic] other injuries were reported and I do not recall that there was any reported damage to the boat.
In contrast to your implied attack of Kerry, George W showed some true grit when he decided to report for duty to get a dental exam. That takes guts. I find it interesting that both Senator Mcain and Bob Dole have come to Kerry's defense when the Bush team attacks his service.
I don't think anyone out there questions Kerry's service. They do, and should, question his wounds and his accounts of the attacks in which he suffered these "wounds". It's already well documented by even his own military records that, with three wounds total, none required much more than a swab and bandaid and he did not miss one day due to his injury.

Reminds me of Major Burns of MASH fame getting a purple heart for "shell fragments" which actually came from a hard boiled egg.

As for the rest of Kerry's campaign, this man is no where like you or me as he tries to hard to claim. He's a kept man who enjoys the luxuries of five palatial estates in five states and pays $1000 for a haircut, and that doesn't include the hair dresser's round trip aboard the missus' GV to make the appointment!

This guy wants to be all to all. I don't respect anyone who panders to anyone and everyone for a vote, especially from politicians!

One, that isn't "the Bush team" attacking his service, it was a Navy doctor who was there.

Two, Kerry served only four months instead of the standard year in Viet Nam because of his three Purple Hearts. The circumstances mentioned above suggest that the early departure was less due to great heroism than to a careful plan to become a "war hero" by any means in the shortest possible time and then depart without further personal risk.

Three, Kerry has made unending references to his service in Viet Nam, which makes it a reasonable subject for scrutiny.

Finally, from http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110005036

Unfit for Office
I was on Mr. Kerry's boat in Vietnam. He doesn't deserve to be commander in chief.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

HOUSTON--In 1971, I debated John Kerry, then a national spokesman for the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, for 90 minutes on "The Dick Cavett Show." The key issue in that debate was Mr. Kerry's claim that American troops were committing war crimes in Vietnam "on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command." Now, as Sen. Kerry emerges as the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency, I've chosen to re-enter the fray.

Like John Kerry, I served in Vietnam as a Swift Boat commander. Ironically, John Kerry and I served much of our time, a full 12 months in my case and a controversial four months in his, commanding the exact same six-man boat, PCF-94, which I took over after he requested early departure. Despite our shared experience, I still believe what I believed 33 years ago--that John Kerry slandered America's military by inventing or repeating grossly exaggerated claims of atrocities and war crimes in order to advance his own political career as an antiwar activist. His misrepresentations played a significant role in creating the negative and false image of Vietnam vets that has persisted for over three decades.

Neither I, nor any man I served with, ever committed any atrocity or war crime in Vietnam. The opposite was the truth. Rather than use excessive force, we suffered casualty after casualty because we chose to refrain from firing rather than risk injuring civilians. More than once, I saw friends die in areas we entered with loudspeakers rather than guns. John Kerry's accusations then and now were an injustice that struck at the soul of anyone who served there.

During my 1971 televised debate with John Kerry, I accused him of lying. I urged him to come forth with affidavits from the soldiers who had claimed to have committed or witnessed atrocities. To date no such affidavits have been filed. Recently, Sen. Kerry has attempted to reframe his comments as youthful or "over the top." Yet always there has been a calculated coolness to the way he has sought to destroy the record of our honorable service in the interest of promoting his political ambitions of the moment.

John Kennedy's book, "Profiles in Courage," and Dwight Eisenhower's "Crusade in Europe" inspired generations. Not so John Kerry, who has suppressed his book, "The New Soldier," prohibiting its reprinting. There is a clear reason for this. The book repeats John Kerry's insults to the American military, beginning with its front-cover image of the American flag being carried upside down by a band of bearded renegades in uniform--a clear slap at the brave Marines in their combat gear who raised our flag at Iwo Jima. Allow me the reprint rights to your book, Sen. Kerry, and I will make sure copies of "The New Soldier" are available in bookstores throughout America.

Vietnam was a long time ago. Why does it matter today? Since the days of the Roman Empire, the concept of military loyalty up and down the chain of command has been indispensable. The commander's loyalty to the troops is the price a commander pays for the loyalty of the troops in return. How can a man be commander in chief who for over 30 years has accused his "Band of Brothers," as well as himself, of being war criminals? On a practical basis, John Kerry's breach of loyalty is a prescription of disaster for our armed forces.

John Kerry's recent admissions caused me to realize that I was most likely in Vietnam dodging enemy rockets on the very day he met in Paris with Madame Binh, the representative of the Viet Cong to the Paris Peace Conference. John Kerry returned to the U.S. to become a national spokesperson for the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, a radical fringe of the antiwar movement, an organization set upon propagating the myth of war crimes through demonstrably false assertions. Who was the last American POW to die languishing in a North Vietnamese prison forced to listen to the recorded voice of John Kerry disgracing their service by his dishonest testimony before the Senate?

Since 1971, I have refused many offers from John Kerry's political opponents to speak out against him. My reluctance to become involved once again in politics is outweighed now by my profound conviction that John Kerry is simply not fit to be America's commander in chief. Nobody has recruited me to come forward. My decision is the inevitable result of my own personal beliefs and life experience.

Today, America is engaged in a new war, against the militant Islamist terrorists who attacked us on our own soil. Reasonable people may differ about how best to proceed, but I'm sure of one thing--John Kerry is the wrong man to put in charge.

Mr. O'Neill served in Coastal Division 11 in 1969-70, winning two Bronze Stars and additional decorations for his service in Vietnam.
Kerry is worse than Hillary Clinton. He went to Vietnam simply to enhance his political career. That is evident from the statements he made to his men. He recieved questionable wounds and asked to leave after 4 months and that request was granted. I completely call his service into question. What kind of officer abandons his post before his tour is up?

I will tell you what kind. The same kind that leaves the theater, comes home and immediately begins accusing his fellow servicemen of crimes they did not commit for political mileage.

There is one word for Mr Kerry:


A very dangerous kind of person to put in the White House. Clinton was an opportunist, and he brought us the "Agreed Framework" that assisted N Korea in developing nukes, sold secrets of all varieties to the Chinese for campaign donations and then let terrorists trample us and did nothing.

I am sure we can count on Mr Kerry to do that and worse.

Vote Libertarian!!!
Though I disagree with Kerry on many issues, as long as he was treated by a Doc, wouldn't he technically deserve a Purple Heart?

If I remember correctly it was any wound, that required treatment by a medical officers, received in the line of duty in combat. Or something like that.
The "Bush Team" has 180 million dollars to attack Kerry with. I imagine they have a team of extremely bright people searching the globe for dirt on Kerry. Notice that this Navy doctor hasn't said a word about this for 35 years but suddenly he speaks up.

Something to consider. Towards the end of your article "America is engaged in a new war, against the militant Islamic terrorists who attacked us on our own soil."

It's interesting to note that the very family that orchestrated the 9/11 attack have been business associates of the Bush family for years. Doesn't that sound shocking? They became business associates with Bush senior and James Baker by investing millions in the Carlyle group. Could you imagine the outrage if it was discovered that Bill Clinton had personally profitted from dealings with Osama's family? He cought enormous heat over a few bj's. Did you know that after 9/11 when general aviation was grounded the White House approved the departure of over 100 connected saudi's from the US by private jet without being questioned by the FBI. Included in that number were siblings of Osama himself. Don't you think a sane government would atleast question close family members of Osama bin laden?

Sounds like Kerry was trying his best to build his "resume" with minimal personal exposure. Bush seems to have some pretty shady business associates and somehow scored an extremely cushy national guard slot with questionable credentials. They are both typical politicians.
As long as all of you served in the military, your have the right to an opinion on the subject. Anyone who has not volunteered to serve their country has no right to say anything. He was there, and he did get shot at. He didn't duck and cover and use his family connnections to stay at home, and then not meet those obligations. When it comes down to it, do you want someone who has a 30 year history in Federal Government, good or bad, served his country in combat, or do you want someone whos Dad was president?

Yeah, it would have been much more honorable to bypass 300 names through political connections, get a slot in a "champagne unit" and then leave early to help a politician campaign.

The conservative press will never come to terms with the fact that Kerry was a war hero, while the Bush and Cheney (five deferals because he had "other priorites") and even Rush "4F - back problems" Limbaugh took the low road.


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