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Just passed on NetJets class

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The Middle East won't be booming forever, so be ready to follow the job market to a different location when the money well dries up.

Just my .02.


Excellent (and mentally balanced) post, and the same can be said for ANY segment of the industry that is "booming" today.
Challenger 604 PIC in the Middle East at age 26? That sounds like a good deal and potentially a great learning experience. Dubai is a great place for young people with some cash... Learn some basic Russian and have fun.
You may want to look into not coming back to the US at all for a year or so. Not sure about the tax laws now, but back in the dark ages we used to carry RCA and Bendix contract workers over to Joberg SA from Ascension Island for R/R so they were able to work there US tax free. With the money you will be making I can assure you Hillary/Barack - hell even John will be wanting a big chunk of it. Live in the Caymans and invite everybody down !
I have a very good accountant lined up, he has been explaining what to do and how to do it. I will pay taxes on some of the money, about 30 percent, and the rest I will not have to, and will be doing nothing illegal.
Dubai is very different then what you may think it is, I have been there twice in the last two months, I actually like it quite a bit.

Visiting (tourist) AND living (resident) someplace is completely different.

And did NetJet say that they would hire you even if things don't work out?

Visiting (tourist) AND living (resident) someplace is completely different.

And did NetJet say that they would hire you even if things don't work out?
No, not hire me, but get me a new interview. Look if things dont work out and God forbid the worlds greatest fractional NetJets does not hire me I am sure I could walk into most good corporate departments and get a job making more then I would at NetJets. I will have lots of PIC time in a very common corporate jet, and tons of international experience, and considered an asset for any department.
I am a dude? Why would a chick have a picture of a chick with bodacious tata's as an avatar? I graduated in 2004
You DARED turned down the sacred NJA offer?
You must be crazy...
Don't you know NJA is today's best thing since UAL?
They are paid the best, get to kiss the best a$$es, get to eat the best crew meals...
Don't you know 100 year old Warren Buffett owns NJA and he's going to live forever, and anyone who follows will be specially programmed to do exactly as he has done (just erase the last 20 years of pilot pay from your mind)?
Don't you know the best of the best wealthy they drool over will never EVER cut back on private flying, no matter how high oil is or how many of their companies tank in this increasingly poor economy?
Don't you know anyone who turns them down must be an idiot and anyone who thinks differently about their company "must have been turned down" there?:smash:
There. I must have have saved 17 pages or so of clutter from this thread.
Congrats and good luck to you. Take the adventures while you can, so you don't end up like 80 percent of the NJA guys on here who have to try and justify THEIR inner voices by expressing the above 24/7 on a message board, rather than getting out and enjoying the life they claim so many should aspire to. :eek:
Carry on.
The crap you post is pretty comical:nuts: Keep the frontier jiberish coming you putz!

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