PCL, you and Rez really need to give this web board thing a break. You are not helping the situation at all. I'd personally like to have folks involved excpet I want guys like JoeMerchant involved too. We have enough of your type view point and need some moderating influences as well.
So far as your assumption of far right morons.. I am one of them and I am part of ALPA and doing my part. The majority of the pilot population is made up of far right morons like myself. Thankfully, your type makes up a small but unfortunately vocal part of the population that seeks to only better itself over the short term while ignoring market forces. You and Rez pretend to operate inside a vacuum with no external pressures being applied. YOur great imperial government is not the answer as the bigger it becomes, the greater a burden it becomes to the company. The share holders need to realize investments on their money. Without this possibility, these greedy people will take their money else where whereas they can make money on their investments. This takes away from the pay and benefits we could have in this business. Your way is not the answer. Neither is total unfettered free markets either but your method has been tried time again through out history only to fail. You're simply to proud to admit you may be over reaching.
Really though, you and Rez need to scram and let the grown ups make informed choices. As much as you don't believe it, it ALPA members are given all sides of the story, they can generally make good choices which flies in the face of your indoctrination at Herndon. Because you're a hardliner, fellow pilots won't tell you this sort of stuff because they fear being labeled. However, an overwhelming number of pilots react much more favorably when I give all the information I possibly can without violating anything and generally get much less emotion and well thought out answers from guys. Give it break here. You aren't doing ALPA any favor with your venom, hate and name calling.
Still not an ALPA fan....but very well said.
Now will they hear you.