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Jetblue to charge for jumpseat??

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737 Pylt said:
I hear ya chper! This place has become the Jerry Springer of forums. Everything is either flame bait or BS! I hardly post any more for fear of being slammed by some pathetic prick like einstien/limp lizard! Or the continuous lies of the rjdc!

You asked for it cry baby.
Lame Lizard said:
You asked for it cry baby.

Be careful there chuckie/einstein...They're now charging for new memberships. With your f/a salary and the rent on the trailer you probably can't afford it!

Check your PMs... I've provided you will every piece of information.

This problem has been addressed, and won't happen again.

Case Closed................
Recently, a US Airways gate agent told me that I couldn't ride in the flight deck jumpseat because I wasn't dressed in appropriate jumpseat attire.

I had on a new, clean polo shirt, khaki pants, and black leather shoes. The agent seemed to think that I needed a sport coat and tie. That would have been true about 10 years ago, but not today.

Luckily, I had a chance to catch the captain at the gate, and he corrected this agent.

The point is that the agents can make mistakes. I don't know exactly what happened in BUR in this case, but maybe the agent was new and screwed up.

If I knew the offended pilot, I would personally reimburse him his $25.

From the last couple of posts, it sounds like the issue has been addressed. I hope that the money was returned somehow.
Chperplt, please keep this board informed of the outcome.
Did you get a refund? And Jerry Springer has made how much money from his show? Which continues to this day.
chperplt said:
This is the biggest problem with this website. There is so much bullcrap that goes on here, a real issue gets laughed at as complete BS.

I've PM everyone of you that has asked for details. I paid with a credit card and I have the receipt to prove it.

I was also told that I (everyone) has to be in complete uniform to occupy the jumpseat. Business attire was not acceptable.

Guys.... This is going on. I'm sure it's not limited to Burbank.

Try again...!!

This is total BS!:smash:
JetBlue doesn't charge for jumpseating...
DonVerita said:
Anyone who comes up to the gate after the jumpseat has already been taken then becomes a NON-REV passenger. That person may purchase a NON-REV GATE PASS on the spot at the gate for $25....or he/she may choose to wait for the next flight and be the first jumpseater in line for that flight.

Know what you're talking about next time.

The same could be said for YOUR post..
Just because you show up at the gate after all available jumpseats are taken.. Doesn't mean you can't use the "courtesy" of the jumpseat policy AT OTHER AIRLINES that have multiple/unlimited jumpseating.

IMO... you are just trying to rationalize the crummy policy AIRTRAN has.
Granted... it's better than nothing... but it still is a crummy deal compared to other airlines' policies!
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