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jetBlue March 8th/9th Interview Session

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FJ is right

Falconjet said:
Take the first class offered. In 3 or 4 years the seniority will be worth way more than the difference in pay over the first couple of years. Get onboard and then smile when you upgrade to Bus captain ahead of those who waited for the Bus FO spots to start. An extra year or so as a captain will be more than enough to make up the difference.


I think FJ is right on. I am about to start IOE shortly and I can tell you that after attending yesterday's "pocket session" with Dave & David, there is going to be lots and lots of growth in both airplanes. The seniority lost could amount to a lot in a short period of time if you wait for a 320 class. The good news for the 190 pilots is that it appears we'll be getting a new 190 every 3 weeks for a long time to come. Can you say "lineholder in 3 months"?

Also, yesterday D & D were very bullish on jb's prospects for the future. There was even the hope that we will indeed be profitable for the year. Obviously there is a lot more to do, but these guys are on the right track.

Good luck to everyone and we'll see you soon at the crashpad!

2wheelz and FalconJet, could you explain your logic to me? If both airplanes are growing in numbers then advancement opportunity should be available for both as well, admittedly not equal in number. Given the recent slowed growth plan I'm reasonably confidant that none of our group will see upgrade in less than 2 years, so the aircraft lock is immaterial. Seniority and the use of that seniority will be the only determinant to upgrade. Let's assume we all bid captain at first available. It will come down to how many numbers are lost to those of us that elect to wait for a 'Bus class. My best intel tells me that there will be 10 new hires/month for July (the first class I was offered) and August going into the E-190. With a September 'Bus class being offered that means I will lose 20 numbers, perhaps 25 if they start another E-190 class before the 'Bus class begins. Even if, in 2 to 5 years, upgrades are held down to 5/month (which I highly doubt) we're talking a 4 month difference in upgrade time. The pay difference over a minimum of 2 years more than makes up for the lost 4 months. And if you stretch the upgrade time out to 5 years the difference is even more glaring, but let's confine the discussion to 2 years as that's when the airplane lock expires.

There are lots more variables, of course. How many people senior to us will accept recall at former employers? Will the business climate continue to support growth? There's only 3 ways for your relative seniority to increase: people senior to you leave, people keep getting hired junior to you and the company deploys more assets. That's been the scenario for the last 5 years, the future is a bit more cloudy than that.

My very first IOE captain gave me a good piece of advice: Don't bid what you don't want because you'll probably get it and if you really don't want it you'll probably get it for a really long time.

To each his own........your milage may vary
Vastly Underemp said:
Don't bid what you don't want because you'll probably get it and if you really don't want it you'll probably get it for a really long time.

That is probably the best advice ever given as far as bidding for an AC or a base. Bid what will work for your situation. If the 190 works for you, bid it because it might pay off in seniority. If it doesn't, then wait for a 320 class. If you plan on staying at JBLU for the long haul, a couple of months and maybe 50 numbers won't be that big of a deal. With that being said, I think all of the guys in the pool should take the 190 because I really need the 320. I'm a left coast guy and the JFK commute just ain't gonna happen for more than a couple of months. Now if they based some 190's on the left coast, I would take it in a second!
I'm waiting for confirmation but I thought it might be helpful to add to the mix of thinking about which aircraft to take: a senior flight operation's guy might have said a few days ago in LGB (the conference call was difficult to hear) that there will only be 18 additional A320 new hires in 2006.

I hope I heard him incorrectly.
Vastly Underemp said:
2wheelz and FalconJet, could you explain your logic to me?


First of all, I agree with you: don't ask for what you don't want. You will not be happy when you get it. Also you may be right, the lost seniority may be minimal and won't hurt anyone too badly.

That being said, my logic is based on a couple of things.

1. You know the old "bird in the hand" axiom. A 190 class in July may be a better choice than the hope of a 320 class in September which may or may not happen. According to one of our chief pilots, it's looking like there may not be another 320 class until at least October. It's possible that there will only be 18 more 320 pilots trained this year. That remains to be seen.

2. While it is true we are still growing both aircraft fleets, the 190 is without a doubt on a faster track. While we are still receiving 320's this year and for many years to follow, we are selling 5 in Sept/Oct and the number of monthly flight hours will be decreasing in Sept until springtime. This is what jetBlue has done every year to control costs. Summer flying provides for the greatest amount of flight hours and things will slow down in the winter.

3. Lastly, experience has shown me that seniority is EVERYTHING at a 121 carrier. If you don't think so, ask the bottom lineholder if he/she would be willing to trade schedules with the top reserve pilot. Ask the the pilot who missed a captain upgrade by one, if seniority doesn't mean much. Experience has also shown me that just because an airline says something, it may not actually happen when they say it will (if at all). I believe jetBlue is going to grow for a long time, but if it is not going to happen when they say, I'd rather be on the property than on the outside looking in.

I could be entirely full of $#!+, just one guy's thoughts. I wish you luck in your decision process. It certainly will pay to get educated and choose based on your particular situation.

Good luck.

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Hey all,

I heard from my lifeguard last week, just a friendly email to let me know he was "on duty" and I could feel free to contact him with any questions. I'm sure they know we hate being in this holding pattern with no EFC time, and the contact is a nice gesture by the company. Anyone else hear anything?
Chappy Sinclair said:
Thanks for the input Fins!

((I, too, am a recent addition to the pool (March interviewer) and I'm lovin' life treadin' water!! (BTW - I just joined flightinfo...)))

Anyway - to chip in my 2 cents from the cheap seats - I really appreciate all the postings of advice regarding the pool - however I disagree with the suggestion that they are pulling people for class dates based on their age (vs. their "good news" call date). If this pool lasts for quite some time and more and more people keep getting added to it, then are the youngest members of the pool just going to keep getting pushed to the back of the line while the oldest guys zoom straight into class, regardless of when they interviewed or when they got V.K.'s call ?

NOT trying to flame Fins or anybody, just a different perspective! Thanks! :)

I certainly wouldn't think that all withdrawls from the pool would be by age. Yes, the youngest guy/girl in their would never get out. I'm guessing that within one particular group of poolies the offers could go by age. But what do I know. I'm still a new guy.

No, I did not perceive any flame in your response.
Just heard from my lifeguard. 51 of us from March 8th/9th "swimming". Calls soon for E190 classes starting Aug. 2nd. (3 classes will have approx 10 per class). 5 - 6 more classes planned for A320 for the rest of year - no firm dates.

Hope it helps.

Are there any current 190 pilots out there to answer a question?

How much do you credit in an average month? What are the lines build to? Just curious. Thanks.
The target for the August bid is 82 hours. Reserve is running longer than expected. Also they make the 190 guys sit airport standby for 6 hours with no pay and no per diem. The scheduling guide says this shall be done for irregular ops, but it seems to have become standard practice. The 320 fleet does not do this duty.

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