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Jetblue: Lateral Move For Regional Captains

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To my understanding, that's incorrect.

People upgrading NOW, this month, have 6+ years seniority.

Pilots who are HIRED and started class this month as new-hires, with attrition and scheduled aircraft deliveries, are looking at 10+ years.

That information comes from friends who work there and were hired last year... They're paying pretty close attention for their own career plans.

However, even if you don't upgrade for 10 years at SWA you will be making over $128/hr on year 10 pay as an FO. Compare that to JetBlue FO's topping out at $87/hr on the 320. Not upgrading fast isn't such a big deal if you can make a living as an FO. I left and went to Delta where I'll be making $100/hr by year 5 as an FO. I would have been an FO at year 5 had I stayed at JetBlue and would have been making $76/hr. Couple that with not commuting to JFK and it isn't a tough decision. JetBlue was a great place to work, but when you see how much pay you are giving up and see that you could have a life not commuting to JFK, other options are looking better for the junior guys at JetBlue. Up the pay and get some good size bases other than JFK, and JetBlue would be a much better place to stay long term.
And how long will a 2-3yr Captain at CAL or DAL sit reserve? Oh yeah, CAL first year pay was $29hr before 9/11.

As for a lateral move from a regional. Where else can you go where you dont take a paycut in the begining?

Reserve for quick upgrades at CAL and DAL will be a very long time. How long are guys sitting reserve right now that are upgrading on the 320? I think it is close to 2 years and will probably move close to 4 years for guys getting hired now. About 6 years to upgrade and 4 years on reserve puts holding a line as a 320 Captain at about 10 years. I'll bet guys getting hired right now at DAL will be lineholding Captains on the MD-88 in NYC before guys getting hired right now at JetBlue will be lineholding Captains on the 320 in JFK. I hope I'm wrong for all my buds at JetBlue, but the young age of the 320 Captain group coupled with slowing 320 growth doesn't paint a really great picture for junior 320 guys.
I think the pragmatic guy will bid based on being an FO for 7-10 years. The next "best job" will be the best FO job. Age 60 changs have thrown a completely new variable into the mix. So...the 5 year upgrades at SWA and FDX are likely done. Ditto at JB, albeit for being larger company plus slower growth. Not raining on anyone's parade--just pointing out you need to be very pragmatic about the upgrade picture as you compare company A to company B.
My math shows you average over 102 credit hours a month. Are you including your per diem?

I've already grossed $100K through the middle of July's paycheck. On average, there are many ways to exceed 100 hours credit per month with rigged trips.

Many pilots make even more than that as they bid RSA (Reserve availability) which works great when you live at base. This pays 4:12 credit per day whether you fly or not.
I've already grossed $100K through the middle of July's paycheck. On average, there are many ways to exceed 100 hours credit per month with rigged trips.

Many pilots make even more than that as they bid RSA (Reserve availability) which works great when you live at base. This pays 4:12 credit per day whether you fly or not.

This is why we at B6 will never make crap...because some guy sweats his a$$ off to pick up 100 hrs of credit.
Reserve for quick upgrades at CAL and DAL will be a very long time. How long are guys sitting reserve right now that are upgrading on the 320? I think it is close to 2 years and will probably move close to 4 years for guys getting hired now. About 6 years to upgrade and 4 years on reserve puts holding a line as a 320 Captain at about 10 years. I'll bet guys getting hired right now at DAL will be lineholding Captains on the MD-88 in NYC before guys getting hired right now at JetBlue will be lineholding Captains on the 320 in JFK. I hope I'm wrong for all my buds at JetBlue, but the young age of the 320 Captain group coupled with slowing 320 growth doesn't paint a really great picture for junior 320 guys.

At least A320 Capts at JetBlue on reserve only have to fly out of JFK. DAL pilots on reserve have to cover EWR, LGA, and JFK. How many B-737s and MD-88s is DAL buying the next few years?
A couple of folks already hit on this but I think a pilot's success at JB was 100% based on timing. When JB was in its infancy 5 years ago getting hired was a goldmine with the blazing upgrade times from FO to CA (and of course I'm talking the 320 because there weren't 190's on campus). When those guys got in, the getting was good. A CA with 5 years seniority and premium pay after 70 hours is not a bad gig at all. Today is a whole different story. The #1 selling point at JB was the upgrade time - that is non-existent today. When 2 guys you've flown with are both 320 CA's and both have blue darts AND both tell you "don't come here" you know there are issues.
This is why we at B6 will never make crap...because some guy sweats his a$$ off to pick up 100 hrs of credit.

Not really working my ass off. I bid all Orlando overnights last month and was home every night in July (104 hours credit) and 15 days off as I was able to get rid of 3 front end swaps.

There are many ways to exceed 100 hours without giving up quality of life. Ask around and you'll see many Capts and FOs on the bus exceed 100 hours credit/month.

I'd much rather work for a company that allows you to bid productivity. If you want the month off however, you can do that too. JetBlue's not perfect, but it's better from where I came from. At NWA, you have to fly over 80 hours to get premium pay.
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A couple of folks already hit on this but I think a pilot's success at JB was 100% based on timing. When JB was in its infancy 5 years ago getting hired was a goldmine with the blazing upgrade times from FO to CA (and of course I'm talking the 320 because there weren't 190's on campus). When those guys got in, the getting was good. A CA with 5 years seniority and premium pay after 70 hours is not a bad gig at all. Today is a whole different story. The #1 selling point at JB was the upgrade time - that is non-existent today. When 2 guys you've flown with are both 320 CA's and both have blue darts AND both tell you "don't come here" you know there are issues.

...I can't resist. There are issues alright. They are giving you a message that they are saving their blue darts for someone better than you hehehehe.

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