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Blue Dude said:
Betcha dollars to donuts that FLL-JFK-LGB is less fatiguing than JFK-LGB-JFK.
No arguement from me, there!
But the intent isn't to make more productive pairings, with longer flight times, it's to enable better rest by being back in your domicile's time zone when the flight is over.
I think I can get better rest three time zones away under these circumstances than going back to my home time zone after 11+ hrs of flying.

And make no mistake - it's all about productivity. There's no way to sell it to the pilot group any other way. That's all it's ever been about.

And I don't have a problem with that. There's nothing magical about 8 hrs of flying. In fact, I don't think there ought to be a hard limit on flight time alone. Total time off the gate isn't that big a factor in fatigue, in and of itself. I'm much more concerned with number of legs flown, total duty period, back side of the clock flying and "resting" during banker's hours. Or any combination of the above. Give me a "L-transcon" 2-day trip worth 18 hrs anyday over the "legal" monstrosities we come up with now. Transcon turns are no fix, unless you promise me good weather and tailwinds both direction.
Blue Dude said:
I think I can get better rest three time zones away under these circumstances than going back to my home time zone after 11+ hrs of flying.

And make no mistake - it's all about productivity. There's no way to sell it to the pilot group any other way. That's all it's ever been about.

And I don't have a problem with that. There's nothing magical about 8 hrs of flying. In fact, I don't think there ought to be a hard limit on flight time alone. Total time off the gate isn't that big a factor in fatigue, in and of itself. I'm much more concerned with number of legs flown, total duty period, back side of the clock flying and "resting" during banker's hours. Or any combination of the above. Give me a "L-transcon" 2-day trip worth 18 hrs anyday over the "legal" monstrosities we come up with now. Transcon turns are no fix, unless you promise me good weather and tailwinds both direction.
I agree with everything you said. I'm just concerned we would soon have T-Con or L-shape monstosities in ADDITION to the legal ones that we have now.
Some good points. I don't think that the 'L' shaped pairing would be that bad, as long as there's a decent rest period before the return trip (>12 hours). I agree with oldxfr8dog's concerns. The bottom line is we'll take whatever the SC comes up with. Last time I checked, noone from the sked comm/chief pilots off/AMP/etc. asked for my $0.02 when they were considering any of these controversial topics. Unfortunately, the people that come up with some of the dumb pairings we currently have never have/never will fly them. The thought that they will influence the pairings if the AMP results are implemented is disappointing at best.

Perhaps I should 'volunteer' my time to be part of the solution versus part of the problem. Since I don't work for free (for a for-profit org) I guess that aint gonna happen. It's back to the day sleep/night page for me! What did Blue Dude say? It's all about productivity after all, right? Time to go kick the dog/wife again.
JB Bus Drvr said:
It's really funny how many folks jump on the get JB bandwagon. Generally, the people who comment in the absurd are either afraid of what we are doing or have no idea what they're talking about.

And GL, what happened to you. You used to make sense in articulate, reasonable posts. Whether I agreed or disagreed, you sounded like you put some intelligent thought into your writings. Now you've relegated yourself to the levels of UC, Siegel, and 32. WTF over.

Oh come on man, I am just joking with IB6 UB9. I am still against the transcon turns idea. I think it is bad for everyone, and very dangerous on the return leg.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Blue Dude said:
I think I can get better rest three time zones away under these circumstances than going back to my home time zone after 11+ hrs of flying.

And make no mistake - it's all about productivity. There's no way to sell it to the pilot group any other way. That's all it's ever been about.

And I don't have a problem with that. There's nothing magical about 8 hrs of flying. In fact, I don't think there ought to be a hard limit on flight time alone. Total time off the gate isn't that big a factor in fatigue, in and of itself. I'm much more concerned with number of legs flown, total duty period, back side of the clock flying and "resting" during banker's hours. Or any combination of the above. Give me a "L-transcon" 2-day trip worth 18 hrs anyday over the "legal" monstrosities we come up with now. Transcon turns are no fix, unless you promise me good weather and tailwinds both direction.

Amen brother.

Bye Bye--General Lee
JB Bus Drvr said:
It's really funny how many folks jump on the get JB bandwagon. Generally, the people who comment in the absurd are either afraid of what we are doing or have no idea what they're talking about.

And GL, what happened to you. You used to make sense in articulate, reasonable posts. Whether I agreed or disagreed, you sounded like you put some intelligent thought into your writings. Now you've relegated yourself to the levels of UC, Siegel, and 32. WTF over.

I'd rather be him than an angry BlueBird Bus Driver like you!
Face it little guy, you've got problems over there in BlueBird land.

You never post anything positive in 98% of your posts, and you obviously have a hidden agenda to piss off the masses. For the life of me I do not know what the moderators see in letting a piece of crap like you continue to post useless, worthless garbage on this forum. What a loser.......
General Lee said:
I wish I were Chuck Yeager like IB6 UB9!!! He could probably do a handflown VOR 13L app blindfolded, in a huge crosswind, behind a BA 744, after a transcon turn that flew over 10 hours, including a fuel stop in DEN and T-storms avoidance near CLE!

Bye Bye--General Lee

I can. Anyway, search your feelings Luke...uhh...General. Like I said, this would probably be a good idea (a heavily restricted transcon turn) if your airline was doing it. However, your seething hatred for the LCC's surfaces(because they are a competitor...thus a human nature thing for you) whether you try to mask it or not, any chance you get. Usually you are riding the coattails of someone else's ideas, but at least you are consistent.

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