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Uppercrust said:
I'd rather be him than an angry BlueBird Bus Driver like you!
Face it little guy, you've got problems over there in BlueBird land.

Aren't you the little crustation from Gulfstream? :puke:
oldxfr8dog said:
No arguement from me, there!
But the intent isn't to make more productive pairings, with longer flight times, it's to enable better rest by being back in your domicile's time zone when the flight is over.

That is the biggest bunch of crap ever posted. Too long is too long and I don't care what time it is local. That is the problem with you JBLU guys. You think the world revolves around you. The lack of experience at long haul flying has you thinking that as long as you are sleeping in some dive of a crash pad for 8 hours in Kew that you are resting. If you are tired you sleep in what ever time zone you are in. Going 3 hours to the west coast is nothing. Get over yourselves and realize you are destroying the years of hard work that was put into getting the few limits we have today.

Now go miss a few more radio calls and try to find a place to land for gas. Wonder how much money you guys are blewing on the stops. I bet the pax really like the delays. A friend said the PS service from JFK to the west coast was going out with a ton of revenue standbys. The winds have been nice to UAL in the head to head with JBLU at JFK.
32LT10 said:
That is the biggest bunch of crap ever posted. Too long is too long and I don't care what time it is local. That is the problem with you JBLU guys. You think the world revolves around you. The lack of experience at long haul flying has you thinking that as long as you are sleeping in some dive of a crash pad for 8 hours in Kew that you are resting. If you are tired you sleep in what ever time zone you are in. Going 3 hours to the west coast is nothing. Get over yourselves and realize you are destroying the years of hard work that was put into getting the few limits we have today.

Now go miss a few more radio calls and try to find a place to land for gas. Wonder how much money you guys are blewing on the stops. I bet the pax really like the delays. A friend said the PS service from JFK to the west coast was going out with a ton of revenue standbys. The winds have been nice to UAL in the head to head with JBLU at JFK.

Very well put.
Did someone forget their anti-bitter pills?

32LT10 said:
That is the biggest bunch of crap ever posted. Too long is too long and I don't care what time it is local. That is the problem with you JBLU guys. You think the world revolves around you. The lack of experience at long haul flying has you thinking that as long as you are sleeping in some dive of a crash pad for 8 hours in Kew that you are resting. If you are tired you sleep in what ever time zone you are in. Going 3 hours to the west coast is nothing. Get over yourselves and realize you are destroying the years of hard work that was put into getting the few limits we have today.

Now go miss a few more radio calls and try to find a place to land for gas. Wonder how much money you guys are blewing on the stops. I bet the pax really like the delays. A friend said the PS service from JFK to the west coast was going out with a ton of revenue standbys. The winds have been nice to UAL in the head to head with JBLU at JFK.

Wow! I not sure how you came to the conclusion that all "JBLU guys" think the world revolves around us, but you are sadly mistaken.

So here we go.

Most of the "JBLU guys" I have talked with would prefer not to do transcon turns. I am not too sure where you come up with the assertion that we have a lack of experience at what you call long haul flying. A good majority of our pilots are on furlough from Delta, United, U.S. Air, TWA/American, Continental, Tower Air, Polar Air, etc, etc, etc. So if we lack in experience I would like to know what your definition of experience is.

I have gone on record before stating that I think Transcon turns are a bad idea, not only from a safety standpoint, but from a physiological stand point as well. Furthermor, I think the current FAR's allow some crazy schedules that are currently legal to fly that should not be. The entire system needs a fresh look and some real data to back up any assertions that one might make in favor of any rule change. Be it from a formal study, ICAO standards or from any other perspective.

Next time before you go off on some dumb internet site making assertion that all "JBLU guys" think the world revolved around them, you might want to take a long hard look in the mirror. Mabe then you might be able to get over yourself.

Guys, isn't it evident that both UC and 32 are idiots. Go to User CP, Misc., Ignore and they go away.
Uppercrust said:
I'd rather be him than an angry BlueBird Bus Driver like you!
Face it little guy, you've got problems over there in BlueBird land.

Coming from a guy whose daddy paid for him to fly at Gulf stream, go away little man and play with your toys daddy bought you.
Did someone mention destruction?

32LT10 said:
Get over yourselves and realize you are destroying the years of hard work that was put into getting the few limits we have today.

Just like the destruction of your retired brothers and sisters retirement plans precipitated by United Brain Surgeons like yourself?

What an ass.

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