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It now Official ASA will Shrink by 130 Jobs

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ASARJMan said:
Waa waa. Little baby boy whiner. Go apply at Skywest.

See this people? This is what Alpa has to offer. This is why we are not respected by managment because if the unprofessionalism of the union workers.
DrewBlows said:
Kooter, did your mother have any children that lived?

Oh wow yeah go for my mother thats real great.

Really when people refer to unionists as thugs they are 100% correct. remember those union guys that punched that little girl at that John Kerry rally?
Tell ya what superkooter since you are so passionate about this why don't you give us your name then we can discuss this in person in the crew lounge like men instead of you crying on here like the little girl you are. If your man enough go ahead!
SuperKooter said:
See this people? This is what Alpa has to offer. This is why we are not respected by managment because if the unprofessionalism of the union workers.

"see this people"! Who the hell do you think is listening to you little girly boy. No one! And, we're not union workers. We're volunteer ASA pilots who do things to improve our lives here at ASA you clueless mommy's boy. Respected by management! YGTBSM! Who cares if they respect us.
Losing slots on the 70? Sounds like a scare tactic. And, seems like it's working.

Ok guys, SuperKooter, your comments that started this thread were a sure thing for starting a fight with the others. And ASARJMan, enough with the name calling. Nothing is getting edited, nobody is getting banned. All I ask is that if this turns into a personal issue, please just us the PM feature or discuss it like men at work. Having this argument with the above comments on a public board makes everyone look like children.

SuperKooter said:
130 Pilot positions will be lost and due to the fact that we are not losing those 20 a month that I keep hearing about then there will have to be furloughs anyone not on the ALPA teet can see that.

Once again you miss the point in your haste to label anyone with a differing opinion as being "on the ALPA teet". There is nothing that says that the 130 positions are not going to be in another city besides ATL. Think before you speak.
Longhorn said:

Ok guys, SuperKooter, your comments that started this thread were a sure thing for starting a fight with the others. And ASARJMan, enough with the name calling. Nothing is getting edited, nobody is getting banned. All I ask is that if this turns into a personal issue, please just us the PM feature or discuss it like men at work. Having this argument with the above comments on a public board makes everyone look like children.


Gotcha MOD. It's just so fun to respond to management's posts though.
Thanks man for the understanding.
SuperKooter said:
All because the ALPAites think that the CRJ 200 and 700 are 2 different types of airplanes when they are almost identical.

Kooter, I don't have a dog in ASA's fight, but this level of thinking has me peeved.

You'd fly 20 more passengers for the same pathetic wage you're getting now? Don't you want a cut of that?

If the answer is yes, then you need to support your Negotiations Committee.

If the answer is no, I'd also strongly suggest applying to Skywest. They fly everything at 50 seat rates.

Let me show you this another way. Continental is the only legacy airline hiring right now, and I'm sure you'd love to get hired there.

They fly B737-700's, -800's, -900's. Those are what's called B737 Next Generation. Same training for all three. I think the -900 has an extra fan switch. Yet, look at the pay difference between the -700 which they classify as a small narrowbody and -800/-900 which they classify as a large narrowbody.

To sum it up, I think you're out of line pal.

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