After reading all these posts I can't help but believe there is a great misunderstanding about the authority of a PIC.
Contrary to what many think, a PIC working for an employer DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT, have the authority to arbitrarily make any final decision concerning the aircraft he/she is flying. The PIC's authority only goes as far as the SAFETY of the aircraft and passengers, and his decision MUST be able to "hold water." And, counter to what "Flyinbrian" believes, the PIC certainly is accountable to a higher authority. If you don't believe this then you are definitely new to aviation.
An employer hires a PIC to make safe and sound decisions which will benifit the success of the company. If a PIC gets a "brain cramp" and decides to kick off all passengers because they are wearing blue shoes, he will surely be pulled onto the carpet for such an irrational decision.
Besides being accountable to your boss, you are also accountable to your FO and all the passengers on board. If I'm riding in the back as a pax, you can be darn sure I'm holding that PIC accountable for getting me safely to my destination. And if he delays the flight because of some "bull#@%" personal issue I'll will make sure he gets a "reality check."
If you go through your aviation career thinking you are GOD on your aircraft, you will certainly have a bumpy ride.
Contrary to what many think, a PIC working for an employer DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT, have the authority to arbitrarily make any final decision concerning the aircraft he/she is flying. The PIC's authority only goes as far as the SAFETY of the aircraft and passengers, and his decision MUST be able to "hold water." And, counter to what "Flyinbrian" believes, the PIC certainly is accountable to a higher authority. If you don't believe this then you are definitely new to aviation.
An employer hires a PIC to make safe and sound decisions which will benifit the success of the company. If a PIC gets a "brain cramp" and decides to kick off all passengers because they are wearing blue shoes, he will surely be pulled onto the carpet for such an irrational decision.
Besides being accountable to your boss, you are also accountable to your FO and all the passengers on board. If I'm riding in the back as a pax, you can be darn sure I'm holding that PIC accountable for getting me safely to my destination. And if he delays the flight because of some "bull#@%" personal issue I'll will make sure he gets a "reality check."
If you go through your aviation career thinking you are GOD on your aircraft, you will certainly have a bumpy ride.