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I believe, to be 100% correct, I should have used the word “drivel”. Dribble is a variant of drivel, but I probably used it in a way it wasn’t meant to be.

That being said, and after exhaustive research, others may have made the same mistake-
  1. Dribbling $hit, refers to a conversation where what one person is saying either makes no sense or is of little importance to anything... (completely Irrelavant)..used mostly by Australians
  2. 2. fig. foolish talk or ideas; nonsense: don't believe a word of that dribble. This whole sentence is dribble-drabble.
  3. “This dribble is the same policy of a welfare state that has not worked in any country at any time. alright now ...” Elizabeth Edwards: McCain's health care proposal is a 'disaster.'
  4. “What I think is even worse are the morons that just echo the dribble from the right-wing hate machine, and support that crap no matter ho disgusting or idiotic the statements are.” Think Progress » Chavez Attacks U.S. Efforts In Haiti: ‘They Are Occupying Haiti Undercover’
  5. “I take it left wing dribble is OK with you, though.” Safety in lakeside

Henceforth, I will use the word drivel…as in…”Do you practice your drivel in front of a mirror to see how silly you sound?...or if agitated, or have consumed a gin and tonic, I will use…”get a pair of pliers and extract your head from you butt before you put forth such drivel.”

Lol... Sorry, I wouldn't have called you on it had I known it originally came from your post. Then again, you're not a pompous ass.
Always fun on fightinfo.com...wouldn't miss the spirited conversations for anything...except maybe a peanut butter and banana sandwich. ;)
Nice exposure for XO on ESPN. Story about Chris Paul going back to Wake Forest and shows him stepping off a XO Challenger.
Something against younger pilots?

Nope. In fact I think we could all bennifit from some new blood.

My comment was a reference to the fact that our fractional owners have come to expect a certain level of experience in the cockpit.

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