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Independence Air to cease all operations in Jan.

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I'm even waxing a little nostalgia over the B29 gates...!

Best of luck Blue Ridgers. ACA ROCKED!
I will never regret the day that Tom and Kerry announced that we were breaking from UAL and going on our own.
I know alot of the Blueridgers felt that they would rather flounder on our own than spend one more day under the UAL codeshare.

hope that everyone finds a safe landing in what ever area they head for.

ACA/INDY 01-05
Ditto here. Would do it again in a heartbeat. I just hope all you other WOs and Contract carrier guys have the opportunity to feel the pride of flying under your own name someday.
ClubORD said:
Thank you propsync...given the opportunity, I would do it again!

Good for you! I jumpseated on you guys quite a bit in the beginning and you could just sense the excitement of the employee group as worked to get
Indy up and running. You guys will be missed

Hear hear on "long live the DoJet", it will always be my first love as turbines go. And as for the now clearly silly gamble - as the British SAS say, "who dares wins." True, even without hindsight some of the marketing mistakes were catastrophically stupid from the get go, but at the time I was a little giddy too, and to this day don't regret our saying no to Orneryscheme.

With hindsight, most of us would have been spared misery by being furloughed much earlier (and moving on that much earlier!) but at least preserving the company as a future player. To burn half a bill in a year is truly amazing. The ACA/Indy story, though small compared to the dead or dying legacies, would make a great chapter for a follow-on volume of "Hard Landings." But what a great employee group it was... I had such great times there, even with the downslide it was for almost 3 of my 4 years. I have non-reved and jumpseated for 9 months now since leaving you guys and my heart goes out to the amazing job the remaining employees have done to make it a popular (albeit money losing) operation with pax even as the cliff approaches and morale plunged.

It was a hell of a ride guys and gals... good luck out there, shame on management for being so dishonest down to the last hour while packing those golden parachutes, and good luck to all those who are still being played as pawns in the Regional airline whipsaw game too. Cheers.. and here's to the memories...

P.S.- are they really going to play those tired and worn comedy safety announcements on the last day?!
grog_sit_reserv said:
They weren't all that bad, it was just a really bad time to go it alone. I'll bet fuel costs will be on the epitaph of IDE.

Yep, you're right. A really bad time to go it alone was all...a start up with 87 RJ's...16 times a day everywhere...with no advertising...and no way to get tickets except flyi.com (flyi who??) sounds like a solid plan to me. Must have just been the expensive gas.

The truth is that mgmt at this company made a ton of mistakes beginning on or before day 1 that when compounded together killed the airline.
My question is what banker is loaning/funding/supporting these yahoos and others to get A319s and RJ's in the fleet, when in hindsight it was mismanaged from the start.

Above managers then walk away with zero repercussions or personal accountability

From the first day I walked onto the property at ACA, I saw how incompetent mgt was. I saw how this company wasted money like you would never beleive. Too bad we didn't have UAL and DAL to finance our constant incompetence after both parties seperated from us. It cracks me up how mgt still made the same stupid idiotic mistakes over and over and only tried to correct them after it was too late. When we borke away, we still kept the same clowns in middle mgt that squandred alot of money and we still ran this place like a commuter airline. Now, Tom and Kerry are laughingstocks. Thier egos led us down a path of destruction. Forget high fuel prices, we should have raised the fares. When oil was $37/bbl they still cried high costs of fuel, and they blame the competition for matching thier prices? Hello? Did you think the US Airs and UALs were going to sit back and do nothing? How stupid did Tom and Kerry get? And bringing on two of the biggest losers, Mark Z. and Bill B. into this operation as well. Ask anyone at Midwest and Abex what kind of people they were. I have and heard a few horror stories. Why would they leave such companies to come to FLYI?
The only reason FLYI failed was due to mismanagement and the incomptetence of our upper mgt to get a grasp on what was going on. Each day, idiotic decisions were being made and it was one SNAFU after another. Oh did I mention the lies and deceit? Even fter it was sworn this wouldn't be on the employees backs? Tom Moore blasted the pilots after the comapny approved of people attending the AIR INC job fairs. He cried we're quitting on him. no they quit on us furloughing over 700 and downgrading some 350-400 pilots who were CAs for many years. when I was furlughed, the most junior CRJ CA had an 8/98 hire date. Did I mention during the summer, the scores of flights being cancelled due to a shortge of FOs? I used to get clls on my days off begging me to come in and help. Once again, gross mismanagement.
Too bad thier egos go in the way, this had the potential to be a gold mine. I can only hope Tom, Kerry, Bill, Mark, Jeff R, Justine Y and the rest of the clowns who couldn't even manage a brothel in a Navy shipyard never get back into the airline business again.
And yes, I am angry about it, because I was only able to watch and couldn't do a thing about it!
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after listening to the hotline for Ifly, your right, i think its hysterical that he asks everyone to continue to come to work thru the holiday and be cheerful. I love that, id be calling sick for the rest of the year.

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