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Independence Air to cease all operations in Jan.

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i allways thought to myself tha furloughing 700 pilots was the plan from the begining. They knew they couldn't get the i air plan off the ground with that many pilots and nobody would go for them laying off that many pilots and still show up for work. So they make a whack at it for a few months and then decide to throw in the towel for 700 pilots brining the company down to the size they wanted.

Only problem is it doesn't look like they stopped downsizing.
It makes me chuckle reading the post of how proud the pilots/FAs/employees were to kick UAL to the curb. Get a reality check! A paycheck is a paycheck. The bank doesn't care were your mortgage payment comes from...just get it in and on time!

The employees had no choice. They were along for the ride....any ride that the clown management put them on. So any suggestion otherwise is misguided...

What was so bad about flying for UAX? Sure it was a jacked up operation, but that didn't seem to stop any of us from applying to ACA. Heck some of us were ready to pay 10K just to fly UAL paint around. Was it the expectation of leaving ACA in a few years for a career carrier? Anything Tom and Kerry did/does will be a failure. Except maybe fee for departure. So if Tom/Kerry [stupidly] tells UAL to pound sand how smart is it to say "Hel! yeah, we employees are-are own man!" This is like an amature boxer stepping into the ring with Ali. Sure he was is own man...for a minute, but then he got the beating of his life.

In a few days 15+ year employees making over 100K will be out of a job. And for what?? Corporate ignorance, ego and greed.

Tom and Kerry are now simply available for employment. And they will show up somewhere, maybe at YOUR next carrier....

FLYI was nothing but a facade. Trying to make it anything more is rediculous..

Look, man, I have all the repsect for FLYI crews and employees but it is what it is.... Give it a few months and the reality will kick in like a migraine headache
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Didn't ACA start this venture with around $300,000,000 cash in the bank?

Seems to me that they should have relieved themselves of the expensive-to-operate CRJ's ASAP and started taking more Airbi ASAP, even if if meant entering bankruptcy soon after starting operations. With a CASM of over 15 cents for the CRJ, how can a business plan call for a low fare operation?

Yes, it would have been painful, but totally shutting down has got to be more painful.

I am truly sorry for all those affected. I have been furloughed twice in this industry and don't wish it on anyone.

Good luck and God Bless.

While I have nothing but sympathy for those about to be on unemployment, but like Rez, this noble cause striking it out alone BS is remarkable... People act like the management from United was coming in to their homes and kicking their cats.

FlyI is yet another failed attempt at an airline, nothing more/nothing less. No one is going to chisel the FlyI logo in to the side of a mountain in rememberance.
h25b said:
People act like the management from United was coming in to their homes and kicking their cats.

Do you remember Bain? Do you remember Mesa, CHQ, TSA, Shuttle American, etc all swooping in to take our flying? DO you remember what UAL did to Air Whisky? I think you should check your facts, son.
"Now, Tom and Kerry are laughingstocks. Thier egos led us down a path of destruction."

That and the part about the employees being entirely along for the ride says it all. The fact is the pilot group voted overwhelmingly for concessions- yeah, very modest concessions but we voted for them nonetheless around 90% in favor- to *stay* with UAL because, bravado aside, we were very scared of the idea of going it alone, rightly so. Yet it was egos- both at ACA and UAL- which prevented compromise on a deal. And those egos chose the worst possible time to try and give the finger to the mothership. Incredibly, later as the bad timing for the industry became even more obvious, T&K even said no to a codeshare proposal with Virgin, the last straw that *might* have saved the day but also forced them to give up consideable control. Then they maintained total control of a ship that is the equivalent of the final scene in Titanic where it is pointing vertical, while Tom kept spouting off weekly briefings about pride in operational excellence and redskins picks of the week. Thereafter, the employee group's alleged bravado/arrogance had nothing to do with it... we were truly along for the ride, and our giddiness was simply nervous laughter and the hope that "surely" those brilliant (ha) minds at the top had some sort of plan to emerge from this, some secret upcoming deal with Virgin or somebody, lol, they couldn't be *that* stupid to run it into the ground, surely... but they were.

And these big (arrogant) egos are as foolishly addicted to running airlines as we are getting our paychecks from flying, so I wonder how long after liquidation it will be before we see the same senior management creating a startup with one or two airbuses (the business model that might have worked)... i.e. will these guys really be banished from the industry or not? Tons of senior airline execs have been with several failed startups before hitting paydirt. You have to wonder what these guys were sniffing this round, though.
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Regardless of the mgmt sucking, the crews, pilots and fa's are top notch dedicated folks. Flew with IDE last night and received outstanding customer service from smiling fa's. Good Luck!!!

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