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IBT 1108 Attempts to take NJASAP funds

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I don't understand why these monies would be stolen ... if they were to be loaned to NJASAP and paid back to 1108 over 12 months?

Gun, and All,

Because they had no intention of loaning the money per the agreement once it was in a [new] hidden account and every intention of abandoning the debts. Therefore, exposing the Netjets pilots to weak representation, contract administration, and shafting the staff of their July payroll.

We greatly appreciate your helping to raise us from Birth, and setting up a Nice College Fund for us as well.

But we are getting our own Apartments, and those slutty women we are dating that you seem to hate, are moving in with us.

Its our lives now. Thank you so much for all your help, both emotionally and financially.

But the bird has left the nest. If you keep trying to control us, we might not come home for the Holidays;)

Freedom in Not Free

Just don't come home with VD and say we didn't warn you. Ride that slut all you want, but it may burn when you pee. But, if your lucky, that will be all you get...
Have to agree, its the way I read it as well.

I'm feeling there is a snake, but I can't believe its the FLOPS MEC.

I don't want to believe it, but, it was openly admitted without apology or regret. The only answer was "we have to look out for our membership first..."

At what expense ... I'm sure we'll all move on.
How is that looking out for their own membership?

Stealing funds so that it won't be lent out and paid back in 12 months. I do not see what is gained for the Flops membership.

I guess thats why I am a pilot and not a banker.

This is exactly my question. What is the motive? Normally when a murder happens there is a motive. CSI tv.
I really hope that this was a HUGE misunderstanding. I want thank all the Netjets pilots for everything. I am really disturbed by this news and even more so since I can't log in to our FLOPS forum. I have done everything my union has asked of me. I lost my job on May 23rd and I think it had a lot to do with my union support. I know our leadership and I do believe they are good men. They have said since day one that we could not be where we are today without Netjets. Please do not be so quick to jump on all of us FLOPS pilots, a lot of us are good friends and I would hate to lose that friendship. We all have to remember that first and foremost that we are all pilots and we all stick together. Lets all take a breather and wait for a response from the teamsters. I know a lot of Netjets pilots feel betrayed and I might also, but you know us and we know you. We are all brothers regardless of where we send our dues check. We need to stay united, as pilots.

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