I actually agree with you on this however just wanted to point out that the Delta
Pilots shed a lot of blood to get to this point. The 9E pilots got a screw job plain and simple. They are just the latest group to be mauled by the corp sham of bankruptcy. I'd encourage every 9E pilot to do the same. Consult with a Bankrupcy attourney and check out your options. Walk from as much debt as possible so that you can afford to live in the new reality DAL force fed you. There is no shame. It's simply a business decision and a tool to be used. If planned and executed properly it can also in lure freedom from the student loans you can no longer afford to pay back and live above the poverty level at the same time.
It's funny you say that because my wife and I are in what I hope is the final chapter of financial issues springing from the great Mesaba shamruptcy of 2005. We had to make some "business decisions" recently, but being off first year pay soon at my new carrier will help immensly.