You are incorrect as well. We get the standard profit sharing up to $2.5 billion. THEN 20% for anything OVER $2.5 billion.Ummm, that's not correct. If pre tax profits exceed $2.5 billion in one year, the pilots receive 20% of what is in the profit sharing pie, up from 15%. If DL doesn't make $2.5 billion, then yes, yes it does fall to 10%. How are we looking so far? Q1 had the first profit in 5 years for that quarter. Q2 was huge too. Gas prices were expected to be higher. If July alone had $500 or so million, how about June and August? I'd say there is a good chance DL makes the $2.5 billion pre tax profit, with lower gas prices helping out.
Any more things you are confused about Jonny? Say hi to your Mom and Sis for me!
Bye Bye---General Lee