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How much would a Falcon 7X First officer pay be

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"deadhead and pinked after a steep turn"...
"man, half the class busted"...
"requal as F/O's".....

:rolleyes:....jesus give it a rest, Captain. I love you too, Top Gun, but thats just stupid talk. lol. LIke the guy above said, its not like you are landing on the moon here.

That's what I thought in my initial F/O 121 ride when a guy with WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more time and about five types....busted in 20 mins. The Check Airman had a hardon for the guy and BUSTED him on his steep turn entry. Me? Stupid idiot redneck nobody pilot....I was hamburger after 3 : 20 in the box, having *NEVER* flown a jet before. It was brutal.

Lubbock, Slats, and Flameout wouldn't have made it. Just sayin'.

Thinking ATP standards are setting the bar high is pretty funny. Not a single person I have ever been through FSI/CAE with flew below those standards. Not one ever needed a retest, an extra sim session etc, etc...not one in the 8 type ratings and 30+ recurrents I have been through. Some were military, some airline, some civilian...didn't matter. Some were a bit sharper than others, etc..but all get/got the job done...Maybe you just worked with morons?

Apparently I did. One runs a furniture store in NM. He was an idiot when I worked 135 with him. The others were 91 at the Deathstar and they are still there because nobody has the b*lls to tell them they're INCOMPETENT. At Deathstar only "strong F/Os" were paired with Slats and Lubbock. Yep. Newhire F/Os like me, CRJ, and Rum were paired with those guys so they wouldn't kill themselves.

I'm telling you, those guys wouldn't have made it as a 121 F/O. Can't even pass a 91 ride without a *LOT* of help???????????????????????


Laugh at me all you want. When you catch fire I will talk you through the whole damned thing with a calm voice and I will be nine miles ahead of you *AND* the plane.

That's my job as the NFP *OR* the FP. And I learned that in 121. Not 91.

Put down the drinks, boozing and posting on pilot message boards dosen't usually have a good outcome..:)....You are once again starting to sound like a high school football player talking about the big game 20yrs ago.

"when I flew the Legacy"..(crying in your beer)


Say it to my face, a-hole. You're the last guy to talk about putting down drinks. You talk a lot of smack and pretend to be a friend. Then you make comments like that????


I would never screw you over, but your post above says to me you won't return the favor.

Kiss my ass.
That's what I thought in my initial F/O 121 ride when a guy with WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more time and about five types....busted in 20 mins. The Check Airman had a hardon for the guy and BUSTED him on his steep turn entry. Me? Stupid idiot redneck nobody pilot....I was hamburger after 3 : 20 in the box, having *NEVER* flown a jet before. It was brutal.

Lubbock, Slats, and Flameout wouldn't have made it. Just sayin'.

Apparently I did. One runs a furniture store in NM. He was an idiot when I worked 135 with him. The others were 91 at the Deathstar and they are still there because nobody has the b*lls to tell them they're INCOMPETENT. At Deathstar only "strong F/Os" were paired with Slats and Lubbock. Yep. Newhire F/Os like me, CRJ, and Rum were paired with those guys so they wouldn't kill themselves.

I'm telling you, those guys wouldn't have made it as a 121 F/O. Can't even pass a 91 ride without a *LOT* of help???????????????????????


Laugh at me all you want. When you catch fire I will talk you through the whole damned thing with a calm voice and I will be nine miles ahead of you *AND* the plane.

That's my job as the NFP *OR* the FP. And I learned that in 121. Not 91.

Say it to my face, a-hole. You're the last guy to talk about putting down drinks. You talk a lot of smack and pretend to be a friend. Then you make comments like that????


I would never screw you over, but your post above says to me you won't return the favor.

Kiss my ass.

This is a classic!

I will certainly call you when I catch on fire. Thank You. We usually dont train for fires in 91, I think that must be a 121 thing.

Despite what sadly seems too common in this business....I'd never screw ANYONE over LD, its just not my nature...(as many here who know me would agree) but c'mon, I never even met you, never mind considered you a friend.

My offer still stands to buy beers when you get up my way on your solo x-countrys....:)

You are de-railing fast my man!!......let it go...calm blue ocean LD, calm blue ocean.


PS - sorry but I have no idea who Lubbock, Slats, and Flameout are....:confused:
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This is a classic!

I will certainly call you when I catch on fire. Thank You. We usually dont train for fires in 91, I think that must be a 121 thing.

Well when you call me--depress, fire, whatever...you will live, because I *KNOW* what I'm doing in both seats. I memorize the checklists backwards and forwards so I know what they say when I can't read them with the smoke. Just sayin'.

Despite what sadly seems too common in this business....I'd never screw ANYONE over LD, its just not my nature...(as many here who know me would agree) but c'mon, I never even met you, never mind considered you a friend.

My offer still stands to buy beers when you get up my way on your solo x-countrys....:)

To be graced with the presence of a stud like me you better f'ing buy the beers you wanker.


Fuq me all ya' want. I still got yer back. I'm loyal like that.

PS - I have no idea who Lubbock, Slats, and Flameout are....:confused:

I won't tell you either. They would scare you to death.


The Death Star loves Falcons because Flameout bombed both engines on a two-holer with the CEO in the back.


I know. Pure 91. Totally "professional."

I hate my ex-wife and wouldn't let him fly her.
Well when you call me--depress, fire, whatever...you will live, because I *KNOW* what I'm doing in both seats. I memorize the checklists backwards and forwards so I know what they say when I can't read them with the smoke. Just sayin'.

Be careful my man, some people have done some pretty stupid moves by second guessing and/or ignoring checklists in these fancy modern aeroplanes....:)

I do agree, FIRE is about the only thing that concerns me to the point where I always have a solid game plan for the plane Im flying, and review it frequently. I think most pilots do the same?

Flameout huh?....How in the world does one blow up 2 engines?
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Be careful my man, some people have done some pretty stupid moves by second guessing and/or ignoring checklists in these fancy modern aeroplanes....:)

I do agree, FIRE is about the only thing that concerns me to the point where I always have a solid game plan for the plane Im flying, and review it frequently. I think most pilots do the same?

I'm not saying I run a non-memory QRH from memory, I'm just saying that I can if I *have* to (incapacitated pilot, smoke in the cockpit, etc.).

Flameout huh?....How in the world does one blow up 2 engines?

I don't remember the details but it was pilot error, hence the subsequent love affair with three-holers.
Apparently I am clueless... I had no idea most Regional Captains have 10,000 hours and didn't know there FO's had 5,000+ Good to know we are in safe hands :)

I bet Comair has those stats. I flew with at least 10 great captains (who I credit with helping me shape my role as a captain) that simply missed the hiring cycle. A mix of civilian and military backgrounds.

I would be willing to bet that Skywest will be top heavy in 5 years. Regionals hate senior pilots (even though they have 15+ year rates) so it will be interesting to sit back and watch.

Cheers- Rum
G200--I agree with you on not sweating training once you have a certain amount of experience. But, I also agree with Legacy (did I just say that? :eek: ?) but he doesn't explain it very well.

In a lot of regionals and some large American Airlines, the training department is full of management suckups/wannabes. The Chicken$h!t factor is through the roof. (Now, at certain large American Airlines, that is changing--but the intimidation factor is STILL there. Training isn't a learning experience, it's a CHECKING experience with way too much "stump the dummy" attitude.) There are WAAAAY too many guys out there who apparently have 'something to prove' and do so by trying to prove how much they know that you don't know.

In most 121 operations, the training department becomes an empire unto itself and is almost completely isolated. Often, it's filled with people who just don't want to fly (and can't weasel their way into an ALPA job... ;) ). But too many of the pilots in the training department see that as the HOV lane to management. (And those are the LAST people you want in management.)

Needless to say, if your goal is career advancement, your focus WON'T be on providing a quality experience for the "customer".

I will say that my experiences at FSI SAV were as demanding and professional as the best training I experienced in 121 (Air Wisconsin 1987/88 and TWA after 1992 or so). But that's the extent of my non-airline training.

I hear ya TC....didn't take me long to realize that 121 was not for me, nor would a suckup 91 department..:(.....therefore I'm aware that my aviation career is rather limited at this point, and Im fine with that........:laugh:

Just have low tolerance for the retarded mentality that passing ground school and flying airplanes are huge accomplishments reserved for the elite.

I guess I have been lucky to fly with pretty even people across the board, through CFI/charter/airline/corp etc I have never even come close to the stories of incompetent people that others have here....but of course I wont hire/fly with an RJ/Embrear pilot...a rather unstable bunch.


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