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Hey Guys! I have an idea of how to expose management, and have somone fight for us

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O'Liely would care about the working conditions of U.S. pilots about as much as he cares for the problems of servicemen in Iraq. Never count on a ChickenHawk to support veterans. Chris Mathews is more concerned with his 5 million doller home on the beach in Cape Cod than taking on a major industrial power, especially when he works for someone just like them and his fat salery depends on him keeping them happy. Limbaugh just wants more hillybilly herion and Scarbrough wants another good looking young intern to waste. Give me Imus anyday.
flopgut what a great idea, you should form a team to go out and find the new management talent needed to bring back the "good ole days", talk them into working for the same wages you do, work with them to build the perfect airline, then go to the stockholders and show how much more money their stock will be worth with the new managment team your group has put together. It is a win win for everybody except the present managment.
I really didn't mean for this to be a Democrat vs. Republican thing. Think what you want of Oreilly, but he has the # 1 news show in the world, and thats a fact.

Alright....so you guys seem not to like that idea, but we need to do something. Complaining on this board about what has happened to this industry won't help anything. We must take action. For gods sake, lets do something. If ALPA is not representing you, kick them off of your property and form something else.

My big problem with all of this is US (the pilots). We let ourselves get beaten down time after time without standing up for ourselves. if some guy came up to you and decked you in the face would you say "I must have deserved it.....thank you very much sir.....I will go crawl in my whole now." NOOOOO!!! You would beat his ass. So start acting like men people.
Who says he's number one in the world? Oh, I'm sure he does or the Faux network and we all know we can believe everything they say. "Fair and balannced". Next your going to tell me we were justified invading Iraq.
pilotyip said:
...Only 5% of the people watching Bill [O'Reilly] make more than that....
And the other 95% have better things to do than sit in front of the TV and scream "Yea Bill! Get 'em!"
If O'Reilly turns the idea down, I recommend trying Ann Coulter. She's much more level-headed and fits in quite nicely with the Fox team. She may even goose-step in with her SS uniform.

And there's always that bastion of journalistic integrity known as Geraldo.
Ace757 said:
I really didn't mean for this to be a Democrat vs. Republican thing. Think what you want of Oreilly, but he has the # 1 news show in the world, and thats a fact.

McDonald's is the most popular restaurant in the world. Do you honestly believe that's because it's the best? Of course not. It's tasty, easy to get, and comes in a colorful package. But afterwards, you feel sick to your stomach for having consumed it. It's a lot like watching O'Reilly, really.
Listen up Joey

Ace757 said:
So start acting like men people.

You're an RJ FO. You're pretty new to the scene.

If you had any hair on your balls at all you'd have already suffered two or three furloughs.

They're a fact in this industry. Inevitable. The stupid pilot is never prepared for the furlough and then screams bloody murder.

If you had been around long enough you'd realize the damage done to this industry has been systemic and suffered over many years.

It's something that can't be changed by some impulsive silly reaction. It's like a compulsive over eater who's gone on a diet.

It's taken years to get this fat and it'll take many years to loose it and get back in shape.

Good luck.

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