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Gulfstream getting CoEx Routes?

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jppt2000 said:
Not surprisingly, neither do you.

never applied, FDJ's.
Funny though, had I bought into your fantasy job, I'd be on furlough right now. Probably for at least five years.
PS, FDJ, Delta manangement needs your help.
What was the loss? for 3Q?

I see you apparently take great glee in what you perceive to be other people's misfortune. What a sad, sad excuse for a person you must be.
Nope, not saying that at all.
Being furloughed is awful, never would wish that on anyone.
Just responding to FDJ's implication that GIA is a mistake.
One could say going to the bottom of a major airline's seniority list at the end of a hiring boom might of been a mistake too.
I'm tired of this thread.
See you folks
You didn't pay for a 1900 type rating. You acquired that through skill and perseverence. You paid for the right seat of a 1900. It kind of scares me when you say "Gulfstream students are flying...". Umm...aren't you supposed to be a required crewmember and not a student when flying 121/135 ops? We have some ex-Gulfstream pilots at AWAC. They do a good job so it's not a piloting skills issue. It just seems bizarre that somebody would pay lots of money (ie more than they will make in the first year) for a job. A job is something you get paid for.
(best Dr. Evil voice)......rriiiight

I couldn't resist replying.............

Did Leo Mullins teach you that?:D

I'm tired of this thread FDJ, I'll read you on other boards.
Good luck at Delta, Hope you get a chance to fly the MD-11,
oops, that's gonna be mothballed.
The sad part is that some of these guys actually get picked up by the majors!:confused:
Can't believe this thread is still going. The fact that it is proves how much this industry is against and aware of this Gulfscam operation. Lets make sure we keep the new aviators informed about it as well as those who make the hiring decisions. These people should not be flying in our cockpits. In my opinion they are as bad as scabs. This may sound a little harsh but the fact is that they knew that they were screwing there fellow pilots when they went that route. No mercy!
jppt2000 said:
[BGood luck at Delta, Hope you get a chance to fly the MD-11,
oops, that's gonna be mothballed. [/B]

Thank you for your good wishes. It gladdens me to know that there are still pilots out there who don't take pleasure in the misfortunes of their fellow pilots.

I like the Boeings much better than the MD-911 anyway.
at least a scab heals an open wound

I don't think this is gonna fly. 'Stream aircraft operating out of EWR that is. New Yorkers wouldn't like the idea of foreigners coming here for flight training on student/tourist visas and then flying commercial, albeit small, Beech Airliners into buildings.

And lay off the F/Os for a while. Everyone knows the 'Stream sells time/jobs in the left seat too. Oops, those street captains are emminently qualified CFIs w/o multi and 1500hr military wonders who can't talk on the radio.

-excuse me
Tom Cooper was a management pilot before the strike at EAL. In fact he has the certificate that Gulfstream was started with before the strike. He also started and sold serveral other airlines while he was at EAL. Lorenzo had nothing to do with PFT that has been around for a long time. Get your facts straight before you start blowing PEOPLE out of the water.

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