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Goodbye ASA!!!

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How can you go to work for Skybus and then lecture anyone else about "hurting the profession". You did what you needed to do, but you are contributing to the same problem that you criticize others for. I am sorry that things haven't worked out for you, but attacking those of us at ASA isn't helping.

It's simple.. I had no choice in the matter. Most of the people I flew with at SX came from legacy carriers who had no choice. Don't blindly jump on the bandwagon about SX.. it's far more complicated than what you read on internet forums.

In the end, I wouldn't have been in the position to seek work with them if I hadn't been furloughed from American as they continued to hire strongly at Eagle.. I didn't make the rules (ALPA and MEC's like ASA's did), I just live by them.
It's simple.. I had no choice in the matter. Most of the people I flew with at SX came from legacy carriers who had no choice. Don't blindly jump on the bandwagon about SX.. it's far more complicated than what you read on internet forums.

In the end, I wouldn't have been in the position to seek work with them if I hadn't been furloughed from American as they continued to hire strongly at Eagle.. I didn't make the rules (ALPA and MEC's like ASA's did), I just live by them.

You had no choice? I thought you had a side business and didn't really need the flying job? You have done things to harm the profession, yet you blame others. I can see why you burned some bridges here.
You had no choice? I thought you had a side business and didn't really need the flying job? You have done things to harm the profession, yet you blame others. I can see why you burned some bridges here.

Are you serious? You know the books of my side business now too? and my expenses, mortgage situation, etc? If it makes you feel better to blame me (and the few months of operation of Skybus last year) for the state of the airline industry then go for it dude... maybe you'll sleep better for it. I'm finished here. But you might want to look up the definition of "Time Line" when you decide to lay blame on where it went all wrong.

You might re-read my response here btw...

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Are you serious? You know the books of my side business now too? and my expenses, mortgage situation, etc? If it makes you feel better to blame me (and the few months of operation of Skybus last year) for the state of the airline industry then go for it dude... maybe you'll sleep better for it. I'm finished here. But you might want to look up the definition of "Time Line" when you decide to lay blame on where it went all wrong.

I'm only going by what you said in another post.

FMS-Speed said:
I made (no lie) 10 times more money speculation with my small inheritance in real estate between late 2003 and 2006 than I did in the rest of my entire flying career.... I have a high net worth and don't really even need to work, I've done so well in business and real estate.. YET... At every single job interview I've done to get back into flying (as I sadly really love it!).. I've had to explain my "commitment" to flying and why I took this time off to some dip$hit who doesn't get it...

Those are your own words. I'm not blaiming you taking a job at Skybus for the state of the industry, but you are blaiming those of us who have chosen to stay at the regionals for your woes. You played a part in the same thing you now blame others for.
I'm only going by what you said in another post.

Those are your own words. I'm not blaiming you taking a job at Skybus for the state of the industry, but you are blaiming those of us who have chosen to stay at the regionals for your woes. You played a part in the same thing you now blame others for.

Have you followed the real estate market since I sent that to you in 2006?

nvm.. you win.. the industry is in disarray not because of the growth at the regionals, but because of Skybus.
Have you followed the real estate market since I sent that to you in 2006?

nvm.. you win.. the industry is in disarray not because of the growth at the regionals, but because of Skybus.

Actually you wrote it less than a year ago. You wrote it last June along with this.

FMS-Speed said:
Cause I like flying for a living... having independent wealth isn't the same as having a job.

edit: Like I said, if you think I'm BSing you, pm me your email and I'll forward pics of some of my toys, including $20K watches, Custom guitars, a Mercedes, a BMW, and a $8500 mountain bike but to name a few things.. I'm not trying to turn this into a show and tell, but you all seem to question my value as a result of my jobs.. Heck! I'll bet the set of luggage I just got to travel with costs more than some of your cars. If you want to question my value as a result of working at Skybus, fine.. so I'm going to see you and raise you.. what's YOUR net worth? ;)

You took the job at Skybus while you had all this wealth. Skybus pilots were making less than many ASA pilots yet you want to blame us. You aren't going to solve this problem by alienating those of us at the regionals.
My first contact with you was in Nov 2006... (retracted as the posts were in fact not pms)
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They aren't PM quotes. They are quotes you made in public threads on here. Your credibility is quickly fading.

not at all... my working at SX is a symptom of the disease the regionals are on the industry.. I had to work, or sit on my butt.. I chose to work at one of the few jobs that were open at the time. go back and re-read my posts here, I am consistent and I stand by everything I am saying.

not at all... my working at SX is a symptom of the disease the regionals are on the industry.. I had to work, or sit on my butt.. I chose to work at one of the few jobs that were open at the time. go back and re-read my posts here, I am consistent and I stand by everything I am saying.


You were flying A320s for less than ASA pilots were flying RJs for and by your own words, you didn't have to because you had a high net worth and lots of toys. You sir are a hypocrit.

You even took a job at the very regionals you blame for the problem. You sound a little bitter and you want to blame others.

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