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GJ Hiring Captains and fo's

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A350 said:

It is a shame....it is also business.

Blame is a terrible thing......when you point the finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you.

If you think that Freedom and G0Jets were bad, wait until NEWCO gets up and running. There just is no defense for this stuff right now. Even a strike by the NWA pilots will not stop it. Leaving the cockpit at NWA just invites someone else to step in. Staying and flying is the only way.


So Gayjets is just fine with you, but NEWCO is pure evil? What a dipsh!t!

As stated before, the problem is not that they are on a seperate certificate. Trans states Holdings did not have to use a different senority list for the new company. They could have and should have used TSA pilots for this company.

As for gayjet pilots, if they needed a job in STL why not work for TSA instead? Why take this job and help TSAH give thier current pilots the shaft in the A$$

Knowing that the company should have used the existing TSA pilots to staff the new certificate, how can you defend gayjets or the pilots that took the job instead of just going to TSA?
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Your name says a lot.....

Re-read the post. In fact, re-read all my posts. G0Jets, Freedom, and yes, even NEWCO are all fine with me. It's called business. This business is this way and there is no stopping this craziness. Mangement is faster at finding chinks in the armor of the carefully designed ALPA shield.

I think the pilots need to stop this with a unilateral action. ALPA will never put their carefully padded bank accounts on the line....they would rather the mainline guys lose their jobs as long as a regional pilot will pay some dues....after all some dues is better than none. Now we will have pilots fighting for the scraps left in the industry and ALPA only cares that they represent you...(in other words) collect dues.

But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is headed. The USAirways guys allowed a NEWCO, why do you see the NWA guys as being able to stop it? Wake up. If the NWA guys don't get the NEWCO planes and flying, and scope it off being sold, it WILL be sold just like the MDA deal at USAir. Mangement uses the tools available to them. That is what TSAH is doing right now. Further, TSAH management knows there is a large supply of eligible experienced pilots to choose from, and they know there is a never ending supply of newbies who will fly anything for money. They are staffing the G0Jets certificate with separate pilot lists to combat the only weapon you have....which is staffing the G0Jets list with current TSA pilots and then using the parking brake and the logbook to make them pay attention.

The only defense to this is a complete SOS....which we all know will NEVER occur.

This is the airline business right now. If you don't like, maybe you can find another line of work. There are corporate gigs and charter gigs that pay well. Hell, if I had to do it over, I would have been an air traffic controller.

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A350 said:

Your name says a lot.....

Re-read the post. In fact, re-read all my posts. G0Jets, Freedom, and yes, even NEWCO are all fine with me. It's called business. This business is this way and there is no stopping this craziness. Mangement is faster at finding chinks in the armor of the carefully designed ALPA shield.

I think the pilots need to stop this with a unilateral action. ALPA will never put their carefully padded bank accounts on the line....they would rather the mainline guys lose their jobs as long as a regional pilot will pay some dues....after all some dues is better than none. Now we will have pilots fighting for the scraps left in the industry and ALPA only cares that they represent you...(in other words) collect dues.

But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is headed. The USAirways guys allowed a NEWCO, why do you see the NWA guys as being able to stop it? Wake up. If the NWA guys don't get the NEWCO planes and flying, and scope it off being sold, it WILL be sold just like the MDA deal at USAir. Mangement uses the tools available to them. That is what TSAH is doing right now. Further, TSAH management knows there is a large supply of eligible experienced pilots to choose from, and they know there is a never ending supply of newbies who will fly anything for money. They are staffing the G0Jets certificate with separate pilot lists to combat the only weapon you have....which is staffing the G0Jets list with current TSA pilots and then using the parking brake and the logbook to make them pay attention.

The only defense to this is a complete SOS....which we all know will NEVER occur.

This is the airline business right now. If you don't like, maybe you can find another line of work. There are corporate gigs and charter gigs that pay well. Hell, if I had to do it over, I would have been an air traffic controller.


Your veiw of this industry is very dim indeed.

Obviously pilots that have gone to Go Jet have got on your bad side...no doubt about it, you don't respect or like them. My point in responding is that you are not the representative for most pilots. I believe most pilots look at Go Jet as just another Regional. I represent that viewpoint. Again it is ony the TSA pilots and the zealots who feel the way you do, not most pilots.

You don't get out much do you? Fabrication, rhetoric, and ill-informed are the words MOST piots would use to describe you and *************************s. Come out of your shell and wake up. The only people who subscribe to your way of thinking is the brain washed ************************* pilots and a few who find super seniority and a quick upgrade attractive. The ignorant CFI and the bitter ex mainliners that have gone there have tried to change the opinions of the masses with their; "It's only business", " I'm just doing to the regionals what they did to me","seperate HOLDING Company".BS. It is not working. Need I remind you that the pilots representing the following companies have pledged their support:

1. UAL-The pilots who rightfully should be flying these planes and would be if it were ALPA,

2. Comair,
3. Eagle,
4. FedEx
5. ExpressJet
6. Mesaba
7. Air Wisconsin
8. US Air
9. Many others

That is hardly the few misguided TSA pilots and Zealots you refer to every post you have.

I'm glad 100 pilots and a few upset tool wanna bes have your back. Good Luck with that.

20 years bustin your arse doing this will do that to you.

The experience has been a good ride....getting better all the time. The pay and bennies ain't what it used to be, but it beats digging a ditch.

I think pilots are underpaid and underappreciated, by every standard. But I have no answer for what is happening in today's business. Without a complete SOS, the government is not going to take notice and in today's big business, winner take all society, I choose to consider the glass half full.

cocknbull said:
Need I remind you that the pilots representing the following companies have pledged their support:

1. UAL-The pilots who rightfully should be flying these planes and would be if it were ALPA,

2. Comair,
3. Eagle,
4. FedEx
5. ExpressJet
6. Mesaba
7. Air Wisconsin
8. US Air
9. Many others

That is hardly the few misguided TSA pilots and Zealots you refer to every post you have.

Come on.... So a pilot shows up at your rally, because he is an MEC officer, and Worth told him too, that makes a pledge of support?

UAL has a jumpseat and J4J aggrement with GJ.
USAir MEC told their furloughed pilots to go work at GJ.
Eagle, many of whom jumpseat on GJ from ORD and STL say screw TSA they screwed me.

By the way.... Have your heard from ALPA since they came to STL and kicked the hornets nest at that rally?

No.... Because they now know it is a lost cause and want the GJ pilots to organize under ALPA.... 2% talks. The NMB showed GJ is not even an alter-ego, They sited the CCAir MESA and Freedom ruling in their final ruling. Stating that "...there are no other similarities to the facts in the MESA Airlines, Inc., above, decision."
http://www.nmb.gov/representation/deter2006/33n009.pdf page38

Look at the people that have posted here. TSA pilots are against GJ.

Do you think these same pilots that post here from TSA will refuse to fly the 69 XJT planes or routes that TSA will most likely bid on in the near future?
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A350 said:

Your name says a lot.....

Re-read the post. In fact, re-read all my posts. G0Jets, Freedom, and yes, even NEWCO are all fine with me. It's called business. This business is this way and there is no stopping this craziness. Mangement is faster at finding chinks in the armor of the carefully designed ALPA shield.

I think the pilots need to stop this with a unilateral action. ALPA will never put their carefully padded bank accounts on the line....they would rather the mainline guys lose their jobs as long as a regional pilot will pay some dues....after all some dues is better than none. Now we will have pilots fighting for the scraps left in the industry and ALPA only cares that they represent you...(in other words) collect dues.

But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is headed. The USAirways guys allowed a NEWCO, why do you see the NWA guys as being able to stop it? Wake up. If the NWA guys don't get the NEWCO planes and flying, and scope it off being sold, it WILL be sold just like the MDA deal at USAir. Mangement uses the tools available to them. That is what TSAH is doing right now. Further, TSAH management knows there is a large supply of eligible experienced pilots to choose from, and they know there is a never ending supply of newbies who will fly anything for money. They are staffing the G0Jets certificate with separate pilot lists to combat the only weapon you have....which is staffing the G0Jets list with current TSA pilots and then using the parking brake and the logbook to make them pay attention.

The only defense to this is a complete SOS....which we all know will NEVER occur.

This is the airline business right now. If you don't like, maybe you can find another line of work. There are corporate gigs and charter gigs that pay well. Hell, if I had to do it over, I would have been an air traffic controller.


So if you cant beat em join em ahh? So we should just except these things and not even have a dialog about how to improve things or who is causing the problem.

Tell me, why is it that you are so willing to except these things? Why do you take it upon yourself to speakout against those that want things to be right?

What is your motivation for this?
Smarta$$ said:
Tell me, why is it that you are so willing to except these things? Why do you take it upon yourself to speakout against those that want things to be right?

What is your motivation for this?

What's the motivation ??? There is none. This isn't about what's right or wrong. It's about the way things are. IT'S CALLED REALITY !!! Deal with it.

You're right, it is wrong and it does suck. But it is legal. And as such we have yet another regional airline.
h25b said:
What's the motivation ??? There is none. This isn't about what's right or wrong. It's about the way things are. IT'S CALLED REALITY !!! Deal with it.

You're right, it is wrong and it does suck. But it is legal. And as such we have yet another regional airline.

So if it is wrong and it does suck,(which we totally agree) then lets all take some steps to rectify the situation. Can you see the benifit to having one pilot list from the standpoint of negotiations and whipsawing? ofcourse you can. So work from within and get both groups on one list.
Smarta$$ said:
So if it is wrong and it does suck,(which we totally agree) then lets all take some steps to rectify the situation. Can you see the benifit to having one pilot list from the standpoint of negotiations and whipsawing? ofcourse you can. So work from within and get both groups on one list.

I agree.. But that horse has left the barn months ago...

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