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Gary Kelly's ATN Comments at Message To The Field

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There is an awareness that this event has an impact on both pilot groups. Each percentage seniority within each pilot group will have be impacted. There are some percentages of each list that will be greater impacted. Making blanket statements for both groups does not do the discussions about this event justice and are far too simplistic and can easily be dispelled by either side. However, the SLI discussions will actually be much more complex then simple emotional blanket statements made here.

There are many suggestions and opinions that are relative but may not want to be acknowledged by the other side because they are incomplete in the big picture. There are still aspects of each opinion that are important.
Really, did the US pilots show that they'd have better career earnings than the AWA pilots--especially the furloughed US Air pilots? The US pilots' main point was that they'd put more years into the airline/their careers. Career expectations was a big factor. US pilots on the street stayed on the street, pilots getting high paying positions kept their high paying positions.

The USAPA people don't agree with the binding arbitration agreement. You shouldn't use them as a reference, they aren't credible. That Nicalau award doesn't help your case either. I wasn't at Delta at the time, but the way it was handled here might be a model your group should want to follow, for harmony sake.

No, what will happen is that he will use the slots and gates of Guadalupe Holdings and slowly close the operation down. SWA pilots will never see a furlough, but Guadalupe Holding pilots will. in fact, every one of those pilots could eventually be furloughed permanently.

Take the staple.

Let's only hope.
Staple the Domestic Southwest pilot
Group below the Airtran pilots and
Get it over with. Take the staple!
Go to arbitration, get relative seniority
And move on.

We're tired off these ridiculous opinions.
Go to arbitration, get relative seniority
And move on.

We're tired off these ridiculous opinions.

Stay at Guadaloupe Holdings making Airtran wages while all growth goes to Southwest.

Herb and Gary won't kill this place, if you think otherwise your dreaming.

Hoping for a good integration that ALPA doesn't completely screw up. They have a horrible track record.

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