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I care about non-union employees because they are much more dedicated to aviation than union employees are. They aren't in it for the money, they are in it for the mission.

If you fear facts, and it's clear that you do, I'll take the FUD label because I only post and quote facts.

I don't fear facts. I fear some weak minded individual will actually take you seriously and crash because he was too afraid to do a write up.

You sir, are bad for aviation and aviation safety.
You beat me to it.

Its like saying there are hospital workers more dedicated to Medicine than Doctors. Doctors are just in it for the money.

"Pilots are to Aviation as Doctors are to medicine."

Thats straight from the College Board SAT question I think.
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Damn-I had him on ignore and I still had to read this:

I care about non-union employees because they are much more dedicated to aviation than union employees are. They aren't in it for the money, they are in it for the mission.

Bob, they are there because it is better to work there than the Burger King take out window in the winter in CGF
They aren't in it for the money, they are in it for the mission.

Ok. I'll take the bait.

By making the above statement one can only conclude you're advocating mission first. I can assure you, union or no, it is in the frac pilots nature to be mission oriented. However the PROFESSIONALS that I have and currently fly with have our priorities straight: SAFETY first, then mission. It is the mission first (safety be damned) attitude that gets people killed.

When our management begins to demonstrate that they truly advocate SAFETY first, then we'll find the number of write-ups will naturally decline. This will happen because they will be compelled to properly repair aircraft in a timely manner. Unfortunately this will not happen at FlOps prior to a CBA.
Excellent points, gentlemen!! Gunfyter said what we all know to be the hidden agenda behind the fudspinner's posts. GF, that analogy is so true that it needs to be repeated...

"Pilots are to Aviation as Doctors are to medicine."
Q: Why do fudspinners reek?

A: Because they're full of ...

Fischman made the motion; Gunfyter gave us the second and the majority of posters agree. With all the fudspinner's BS on the board maybe I need to switch to my black cowboy boots...:p
I work to live, not live to work.

I care about non-union employees because they are much more dedicated to aviation than union employees are. They aren't in it for the money, they are in it for the mission.

You are such a tool!

Thank you for responding to my post. You have truly shown what an a$s you are......again.

I bet you would be supportive of slave labor.

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