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chperplt said:

You are such a tool. You want to revisit the conversations we were having with our friend English before? You want everyone to know who you really are, and what you really do for a living?

Want those pictures to resurface??

Also, why on earth would I be bitter? I went from flying junk airplanes to flying state of the art airplanes. I went from over 20K in debt, to 0 in debt. I went from driving a broken down 00 Pontiac, to a brand new Chrysler crossfire. My went from driving a 87 Pontiac, to a 2004 Chrysler Sebring. Seems to me a lot of good things have happened since I took that step back as you call it.

Once again... Do you want to start a war? If you do, I would be more than glad to out you right here and now. Everyone knows my true deal here.. You want them to know yours?? I don't think you do. I really don't think you do.

All I know is my time is worth more than yours will ever be, say what you want, I have to plan my next trip.

Arguing with some punk on the internet ceases to further amuse me, over and out.
Exactly my point, and where did i say an RJ is single pilot? The point was that PFT fags have no experience with single pilot low IFR in singles. Go ahaed and fly with them, it's your life. Anybody can buy a rating, not everybody can fly a single IFR internationally for a thousand hrs without getting killed before moving up to a twin then to a CFI then to cargo then to an RJ, get it? I want guys with experience flying my family around, not some rich punk stealing a seat away from some guy that earned it, that's all I'm saying.

Sadly, at one time, TDTurbo was a legitimate poster, and has something to say, or at least an opinion with some measure of credibility. Any more, it's all flame-bait and foolishness.

The quote above cracked me up. If he had half a brain, he wouldn't have been flying around in his "hard international IFR" in single engine airplanes....especially overwater. He seems to think it's some badge of honor or experience...and it's clearly one of those cases where one is far better to keep one's trap shut and appear an idiot, than open it and remove all doubt. At least now that he's (she's?) mouthed off, there is no doubt.

Just how does one become an industry expert at his lofty level without ever actually having experienced employment in the industry...any part of it?

Better than his commentaries here, I really liked his thread a while back about the need to fly singles in icing conditions to really learn one's stuff. Especially singles not certificated for ice. We can learn a lot from this guy. He's exactly the stuff of which accident statistics are made, and not only do we one day have the opportunity to read his accident report and benifit, but we can see it coming, too. It's a very thorough case study in the entire accident chain, and we get to study it before the final event ever happens.

If anybody happens to know this brightspark, be sure to post when he finally does himself in, so we get the full picture, beginning to end. Otherwise, we might miss some final nugget of valueable prose, some wisdom or learning that he might leave behind, or just the chance to have him with us in memory for all time. That would be sad, and oh-so-tragic. Rather than run him down, (we won't have him for long), let's enjoy his massive experience, his elegant discertations, and his depth of knowledge while he's still among us. We're fortunate that he's here.

This coming from someone who brags about flying in IMC induced by smoke in mountainous terrain injesting parts of trees in your engines?

Lets have a look at a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black shall we?


Saabslime said:
Avbug, if you don't consider declaring an emergency necessary during an engine failure, fire, etc. I would consider you more of a cowboy than a professional aviator. I understand what you're saying but if you have a problem that warrents returning to the airport immediately, its an emergency period. Just say so.

Typhoon1244 said:
I've been thinking this over, and I've decided I was too diplomatic before.

If you've got two engines installed on your airplane, and one of them isn't working, and you're in flight...THAT'S AN EMERGENCY, and you need to declare it as such.

There are certain companies who strongly discourage--to the point of termination--declaring an emergency. AirTran is one of them. They discourage this because they're worried about the "bad press" an emergency could generate. I'm sorry that this attitude about emergencies is being perpetuated.

If things are not normal, and there's even a chance that someone in or around your aircraft could get hurt, darn it, declare!

Avbug, you scare me.

njcapt said:
His advice scares me, too.

I can't imagine what kind of career experience he has that would cause him to have such a cavalier attitude towards potentially career affecting incidents. Maybe my time flying for 121 airlines has affected my feelings regarding declaring emergencies, but I believe that ANY time you have the possibility of bending the aircraft on landing or have some significant reduction in performance (engines, brakes, flaps - not just one redundant system that powers them) you declare. Jeez... at most airlines you just fill out an irregularity report and the Chief Pilot's office handles the feds.

What is the downside of declaring? Too macho to admit that you might need assistance? Afraid of drawing attention to yourself? You owe it to your passengers, the owner of the aircraft, the guy who lands behind you as you are trailing oil or parts, and the airport operators to make your situation known AND set the proper remedies in motion.

Typhoon1244 said:

Avbug, in the V1 cut you described...let me make sure I understand. You took (I'm guessing, based on your 300' altitude) a 50% power loss, came back around in the pattern, and landed without saying a word on the radio? I'm not so sure that keeping the guys on the ground completely in the dark is a good idea, no matter how busy you are. (Were you the only guy in the airplane?)

You said over and over that in the situations you've been in, declaring would not have affected the outcome. Then why not do it? It costs you nothing...and could gain you everything. If it's not a question of macho, then what's the problem?

Yeah, I have less than 5,000 hours and haven't had a triple engine failure every month for the last five years. I've never declared an emergency for "a spot on [my] white shirt," either. I did declare for (1) a 100% power loss, (2) a left main that wouldn't extend, (2) a total hydraulic system failure, (4) two flaps-up landings, and (5) a severe turbulence encounter at 500' on base. I hate tooting my own horn, but I believe I handled each of these situations fairly well.

Please explain to me why it was somehow unprofessional of me to declare these emergencies. I'm not out to lynch anybody, I just want to understand this mind-set, because right now, I don't...and I don't see how experiencing any more emergencies is going to change my mind.

DarnNearaJet said:

Do you fly passengers for a 121 airline?

PS: I have declared an emergency for an engine-shutdown. I received a letter of commendation. I can guarantee you that if I had not declared, I'd be looking for another job right now and hiring a lawyer to defend my ticket.

Please stop giving poor advice to impressionable young minds.

Typhoon1244 said:
:eek: I think I'd quit that outfit too. Who are you with, the Honduran Air Force?

It doesn't sound like he does, no. I can't imagine a professional airline pilot--or any pilot--having this warped a definition of "emergency."

I can go on and on and on but I have more important things to attend to.

If anyone is going to end up being a lawn dart it will be you.

I used to think you were some kind of aviation God or something, reading your contradictory posts over and over and over again made me realize you are nothing but a bitter, broken down know it all with way too much time on his hands.

You just couldn't leave it alone could you?

I have said nothing that would lead people to believe that I am some kind of suicidal pilot looking for a "badge of honor".

I simply fly for business and pleasure and spend considerably more time than most "non-reembursed" pilots learning as much as I can about a particular subject.

I never tried to wear the "know it all hat" like you. My posts speak for themselves, some may disagree with what I say, that's ok, I will listen and learn. The more I learn about you the more I realize how foolish I was to believe half the stuff you write.

I will stand by everything I say until proven otherwise, and I have been known to be wrong at least once.:D

I don't like it when people talk out of both sides of their mouths just to start an argument. It is late and I am tired but if I were you, I would be careful what you say.

You better get to bed to, you'll need your rest for that next engine failure that you worked on.

I didn't start a flame war but I sure as hell will finish it.
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Come on man. How old can you possibly be? 16? Your posts sound like you are a teenager in high school getting picked on by the bullies. Let it rest and do the more mature thing. Leave it be.

When you say......."I never try to wear the know it all hat"......... Yeah you did. You practically gave your resume, and how tough you have had it flying in wx and how smooth of a stick you are by getting your ratings in as little time as possible. Most everyone on this board is a pilot and can call BS when we see it. Just remember, however good you think you are there are 10 more people that are 10x better than you.

Next time try this. Just dismiss the harrassment and move on.
You are correct Simon, I have become childish. What I said however was all true. I never could stand down from a fight but this is the internet so It really doesn't matter, thanks for the insight.

Well, I went back and read the thread that TD posted, beginning to end, and as previously, I stand by everything I said in that thread. Further, where TD elected to misquote and draw out a few negative posts from the beginning of that thread, he or she failed to go further and note that the principle respondant later recanted, stated that he understood, and provided an entirely different tone.

Truth is, most posters who responded to that thread, especially after a little communication had taken place, were not only supportive, but may even have found a little value there.

If you're going to talk "truth" then post the whole truth, not just snippets that support your twisted view of things.

I should add that among the commenters who supported me in that thread and agreed with what I had to say, was YOU. Didn't you read the thread before you posted the link, brightspark?

UAL78 was quite right...this is all pointless, and centered around a flamebaiting troll named TDTurbo. So far he's attacked the airline industry at large, corporate flying, any professional flying, anybody who hasn't flown uncertified single engine airplanes into severe weather and hard IFR icing over international waters, and come to think of it...anybody other than himself. To do so, he's used misinformation, misquotes, and has drawn on experience that he doesn't have.

Further response to this dimwit is a waste of time, and certainly not worth the carpel tunnel that replying might aggravate. Fly safe, mate. I'm done with you.
This thread really amuses me.


You keep on saying that you are done with this thread because you have much more important things to do. But every time you come back you post a very long thread. The one on the top of this page must have taken some time. I bet you fly out of PWK with all of your hard IMC flying. I am also out of the Chicago area. I have a lot of IMC time as well, but I have been looking through my logbook and fail to see a seperate column for HARD IMC. TTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

You have to be the dumbest member on this board.

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