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Are you kidding? Time and experience are two very different things. With over a thousand hrs and 250 of it being hard IFR flying internationally all in the left seat I guess I would do OK.

Oh please do enlighten us as to where your big time "250hrs of hard International" experience is from....

Please do, so we can biatch slap your laughable a$$ all over flightinfo.com

freakin tool.

"over a thousand hrs and 250 of it being hard IFR flying internationally"......

thats is just too freakin funny!!!
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Of course, isn't everyone's logbook at least 25% hard ifr international experience???
Gulfstream 200 said:
Oh please do enlighten us as to where your big time "250hrs of hard International" experience is from....

Please do, so we can biatch slap your laughable a$$ all over flightinfo.com

freakin tool.

"over a thousand hrs and 250 of it being hard IFR flying internationally"......

thats is just too freakin funny!!!

There are three indisputable facts in aviation and life.

1) You are going to die
2) Never equate total time with experience.
3) Know who you are talking to before calling them a "tool", especially coming from someone with Gulfstream as their screen name.

Just for extra measure in case you didn't know, single pilot IFR is the most difficult type of flying there is, are you going to dispute that too?

My 1000hrs is equal to your entire career since I did every hour myself not sitting next to a captain babysitting your dumb ass.

I fly to Alaska, Costa Rica, Caymans and most every other island in the Caribbean 6X/yr in every conceivable wx situation on a six pack in a single from Chicago. I doubt you have the sac for half the flying I do. Maybe you think that what you do takes skill and talent, I don't know but you can teach rat brain cells to fly a plane, you did hear of that study I trust. Don't think for a minute that because you fly around in some fancy jet that you are somehow superior to someone with less time, it only shows your stupidity. I have to fly for business so I do. I also fly because the FAA lets idiots with O IMC time and 250hrs instruct and fly passengers, I just won't be one of them.

Finally, arguing on an anonymous internet board is both stupid and a waste of time so continue on with your glorified bus driver job until you get a real one.
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Kingairrick said:
Of course, isn't everyone's logbook at least 25% hard ifr international experience???

You must live in AZ or Cali or FL, you obviously don't live in the midwest.
pretty much what I thought...

Now, please explain to me "every concievable weather situation" (is that extra bright sun or scattered showers??) that comes up on these "Hard IFR" trips to the islands....your "international destinations"

worth repeating:

You're a freakin TOOL.....

"Hard IFR International.....to the islands...."

what a jacka$$!!!

:rolleyes: ..
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T-Gates said:
Well you keep trying to make an example of yourself saying you are the perfect RJ F/O canidate with all of your "experience".

Exactly where in your wealth of experience (700 hours), have you flown in a 2-crew enviroment in a jet more than equipped to handle most any icing condition? And how much did your single pilot, single-engine, IFR experience help?

If your profile is a true showing of your actual experience, your a little out of your league here. I don't think you know the first thing about what goes on in the flight deck of an airplane.

My experience is just that, experience, not total time. I could give a sh!t less what a 2 person crew does in a RJ. I never brought that up.

I did however get my private in 35 flat and my instrument in 40 + 10, so I doubt I would have too much trouble flying right seat in anything.
Gulfstream 200 said:
pretty much what I thought...

Now, please explain to me "every concievable weather situation" (is that extra bright sun or scattered showers??) that comes up on these "Hard IFR" trips to the islands....your "international destinations"

worth repeating:

You're a freakin TOOL.....

"Hard IFR International.....to the islands...."

what a jacka$$!!!

:rolleyes: ..

The hard IFR is where I fly every week idiot, Chicago. PFT boy
I did however get my private in 35 flat and my instrument in 40 + 10, so I doubt I would have too much trouble flying right seat in anything

That is very impressive..... Time to leave the circle jerk!

You may indeed be a very skilled aviator, but your attitude is what makes you unmarketable. Flying in a crew situation is just as much about personality as it is flying ability.

The fact of the matter is that a jet isn't very difficult to fly. Sitting next to a jerk all day however is quite difficult.
The hard IFR is where I fly every week idiot, Chicago. PFT boy

There you go proving my point again. Grow up a little bit.

So what if you fly hard IFR every single day. I've got over 3500 hours flying Beech 1900s in hard IFR. Have you hand flown 6 ILSs to 1800RVR in a day? Don't talk to us about hard work and abilities.

Do yourself a favor and grow the heck up. Girls really don't think you're cool.. they really don't.

Ps.. boys don't either if you go that route.
chperplt said:
I think it is you, king dumbass, that has a problem with just about everything.

My comments to you were never about an RJ being single pilot. My comments were about you bashing other pilots when you youself don't have the experience level required to sit in the right seat of an RJ.

Here you are bashing on some academy kids for never flying in icing conditions before flying passengers in a Jet. Who the hell do you think you are?

Go back and add some time to that 700+ and think about what a dickhead you are.

Did you actually read what you just wrote? It is so ridiculous it hardly deserves comment. Yes, putting my family on a passenger jet with a pilot with O IMC and 250 TT is nuts. Before you call someone a dumbass you better make sure who you're talking to, I probably forgot more than you'll ever know. It doesn't take a 10,000 hr pilot to realize that academy kids with no icing experience shouldn't be flying passengers for hire. Maybe just you.

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