"Has anyone stopped to think about what those "certain other conditions" might be. If this gets past the BK court, the company is going to come a 'knocking" for some more concessions."
You bet they are....and that's the $75 million question. This DIP deal could significantly alter F9. SM already stated that the makeup of the BOD will change. Holding onto our contract will be paramount. The "good will" of the employee groups can only go so far even amongst the thirstiest of Kool-Aid drinkers.
You bet they are....and that's the $75 million question. This DIP deal could significantly alter F9. SM already stated that the makeup of the BOD will change. Holding onto our contract will be paramount. The "good will" of the employee groups can only go so far even amongst the thirstiest of Kool-Aid drinkers.