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For those that want to "vote and get it over with" at SKYW

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Respectfully, SkyNation and HelloNewman are both fellow employees, who may be a little boisterous about the issue. But both know that management does just enough to satisfy them. Its give and take here. You want this, we'll take this away. We'll take this away and give you this instead. And the raises are always around 2% just so you'll decide that voting in ALPA will negate your raise. In defense, they never just take, take, take here. They at least always give you something else. Whether you want it or not in besides the point. But still, its at least a tit for a tat here, which is more than you could reasonably ask for elsewhere.

However, if and when there is another vote, and let's say ALPA does get voted in, I will respect the collective pilots' decision with no qualms. The democratic process at its finest.
If you are a pilot flying the line, then you are apparently the one reasonable anti-union guy at Skywest.


There are over 2500 pilots at Skywest and I bet the majority do not post on flightinfo.com so to make such a broad sweeping statement is a little ignorant.
why am I a selfish idiot? just because I don't want ALPA representing me?
why am I a selfish idiot? just because I don't want ALPA representing me?

Not saying you are but since you asked, we have gone over this often and many have told you that you do benefit from ALPA, even by being non-ALPA.

If you are going to accept the benefit, then accept the responsbility....
Thank you, Rez. And I was trying to make a point, Weasil. Probably could have worded it better. Apologies if I insulted you.



Respectfully, SkyNation and HelloNewman are both fellow employees, who may be a little boisterous about the issue. But both know that management does just enough to satisfy them. Its give and take here. You want this, we'll take this away. We'll take this away and give you this instead. And the raises are always around 2% just so you'll decide that voting in ALPA will negate your raise. In defense, they never just take, take, take here. They at least always give you something else. Whether you want it or not in besides the point. But still, its at least a tit for a tat here, which is more than you could reasonably ask for elsewhere.

However, if and when there is another vote, and let's say ALPA does get voted in, I will respect the collective pilots' decision with no qualms. The democratic process at its finest.

If you think that crappy overide for the block time in the 700 and 900 is a tit for a tat you are a bigger idiot than I thought. Will all you newbe wanabe pilots at skywest it is no wonder you will bend over for anything mgmt wants to give you. Stand up for your rights and get a life SCABS
Not saying you are but since you asked, we have gone over this often and many have told you that you do benefit from ALPA, even by being non-ALPA.

If you are going to accept the benefit, then accept the responsbility....

and again, I'll remind that this is an idealogical difference of opinion. you could be represented by ALPA, the IBT, the Knights of Columbus or the Girl Scouts for all I care. That doesn't mean that I am beholden to join them. where is this written? I understand that in your opinion we should join, but this responsibility you speak of? If it was obligatory, then there'd be some sort of law or provision requiring membership. Obviously there isn't. I have no problem with the safety advances that ALPA champions. I don't believe for a second, however, that the industry and profession wouldn't advance of it's own accord without it any more than I believe that if it wasn't for unions that kids would still be chained to sewing machines for 14 hours per day afraid to ask for a bathroom break. I mean, come on, let's be real about the times we're living in.

at the regional level, we all compete to sell lift to our major partners. I am against any organization that seeks to stifle competition or the free market with antiquated ideas and ineffectual leadership.

Rez, I already know you disagree. Point(s) taken. I'm glad that we live in a country that provides us all with the opportunity to choose for ourselves, be it politically, religiously, or whether or not I want to join ALPA.
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And by SkyWest being one of the few airlines not asking it's pilot group for concessions gives the other airlines no foot to stand on. I'm not bashing on your ALPA representation. GOOD/EVIL....bad analogy. What works for us, may not work for you, and what works for you, may not work for us. No one starts thread bashing the union carriers and convincing them to drop their representation. In respect, you should do the same.

From what I've read from some other Skywest posters, it sounds like your management has unilaterally forced concessions upon you, and also refused to give you pay raises they had already promised you. It sounds like they have not asked for concessions because they do not have to. They can just impose them at will.
and again, I'll remind that this is an idealogical difference of opinion. you could be represented by ALPA, the IBT, the Knights of Columbus or the Girl Scouts for all I care. That doesn't mean that I am beholden to join them. where is this written? I understand that in your opinion we should join, but this responsibility you speak of? If it was obligatory, then there'd be some sort of law or provision requiring membership. Obviously there isn't. I have no problem with the safety advances that ALPA champions. I don't believe for a second, however, that the industry and profession wouldn't advance of it's own accord without it any more than I believe that if it wasn't for unions that kids would still be chained to sewing machines for 14 hours per day afraid to ask for a bathroom break. I mean, come on, let's be real about the times we're living in.

at the regional level, we all compete to sell lift to our major partners. I am against any organization that seeks to stifle competition or the free market with antiquated ideas and ineffectual leadership.

Rez, I already know you disagree. Point(s) taken. I'm glad that we live in a country that provides us all with the opportunity to choose for ourselves, be it politically, religiously, or whether or not I want to join ALPA.

We aren't talking about a mandate.

Its because of unions that kids aren't chained to sewing machines. Sure it was a long time ago....what is the point? We have weekends cause of unions.

Again your rationale is why do we need police we we have security systems in our house. We do we need the fire dept when we have spinkler systems.

Your logic is based on false pretenses. Answer the following...

If you benefit from ALPA should you not particpate in that benefit? What is it called when some one accepts a benefit for which they don't particpate.

Why is 90+% of regional and major pilots part of a union? What does that tell you?

What do you see on the horizon in terms of globalization?

Should SKW pilots particapte in the political process that they are so greatly effected by?

Do you think SKW is recieving favored status because they are non union?

Skynation.. come to the open house for SKW pilots....
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And speaking of tits and tats. anybody care to comment on Brad's new interpretation of pay regarding cancelled flights at skywest? heard rumblings...

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