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For those that want to "vote and get it over with" at SKYW

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Your logic is based on false pretenses. Answer the following...

If you benefit from ALPA should you not particpate in that benefit? What is it called when some one accepts a benefit for which they don't particpate.​

Why is 90+% of regional and major pilots part of a union? What does that tell you?​

What do you see on the horizon in terms of globalization?​

Should SKW pilots particapte in the political process that they are so greatly effected by?​

Do you think SKW is recieving favored status because they are non union?​

Skynation.. come to the open house for SKW pilots....

we've been over this and over this. I'll respect your position, I think I've heard it.

an ALPA refugee

No, I don't think we've been over these questions... please respond to the issues...
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Not to ressurect this thread, but here it goes.

To all the naysayers at Skywest saying that ALPA is a waste of money, not nessesary, doesn't do anything for regional pilots, this is for you.

We at AWAC today recieved word that the arbitrator in our major grievance against the management at AWAC was decided in OUR favor, and that the company has 14 days to come to a final resolution or the arditrator will.

Why, may you ask, do I post this? The point is that those at SKW, and you know who you are, who deride, insult, state lies and untruths about ALPA and say that they are a waste of money do not know what you are talking about.

If, and I do mean if, SKW was an ALPA carrier with a strong, well supported MEC and LEC's., you would have had the same option with your '18 month pay freeze' when the clock ran out. Along with the other benefits ALPA provides, like aeromedical, legal (here is a PERFECT example), and contract enforcement. Yes, the arbitration took almost a year, but look at the payout!

1.95% too much in dues? I actually might say not enough!

Think about it, you guys over there who are on the fence.


Not to ressurect this thread, but here it goes.

To all the naysayers at Skywest saying that ALPA is a waste of money, not nessesary, doesn't do anything for regional pilots, this is for you.

We at AWAC today recieved word that the arbitrator in our major grievance against the management at AWAC was decided in OUR favor, and that the company has 14 days to come to a final resolution or the arditrator will.

Why, may you ask, do I post this? The point is that those at SKW, and you know who you are, who deride, insult, state lies and untruths about ALPA and say that they are a waste of money do not know what you are talking about.

If, and I do mean if, SKW was an ALPA carrier with a strong, well supported MEC and LEC's., you would have had the same option with your '18 month pay freeze' when the clock ran out. Along with the other benefits ALPA provides, like aeromedical, legal (here is a PERFECT example), and contract enforcement. Yes, the arbitration took almost a year, but look at the payout!

1.95% too much in dues? I actually might say not enough!

Think about it, you guys over there who are on the fence.



Well said...............and good on ya!
Thanks, AF!


Not to ressurect this thread, but here it goes.

To all the naysayers at Skywest saying that ALPA is a waste of money, not nessesary, doesn't do anything for regional pilots, this is for you.

We at AWAC today recieved word that the arbitrator in our major grievance against the management at AWAC was decided in OUR favor, and that the company has 14 days to come to a final resolution or the arditrator will.

Why, may you ask, do I post this? The point is that those at SKW, and you know who you are, who deride, insult, state lies and untruths about ALPA and say that they are a waste of money do not know what you are talking about.

If, and I do mean if, SKW was an ALPA carrier with a strong, well supported MEC and LEC's., you would have had the same option with your '18 month pay freeze' when the clock ran out. Along with the other benefits ALPA provides, like aeromedical, legal (here is a PERFECT example), and contract enforcement. Yes, the arbitration took almost a year, but look at the payout!

1.95% too much in dues? I actually might say not enough!

Think about it, you guys over there who are on the fence.



This is actually good news and can help the case for a raise for everyone. Now for a few questions. Is this ruiling final or can the appeals go on and on forever? What about the people who quit but worked some of the time under the old payrates? Do the ones who quit get their money back or only the ones still at the property? Mesa has had one grievance going on since 2003 and still going. The company lost and has refused to pay, nothing has happened thus far. Lets say the company refuses to pay what happens next? Can they actually be forced to pay? So far Mesa has not paid and appears to just keep appealing the process. I think these are important questions for everyone to see.
This is actually good news and can help the case for a raise for everyone. Now for a few questions. Is this ruiling final or can the appeals go on and on forever? What about the people who quit but worked some of the time under the old payrates? Do the ones who quit get their money back or only the ones still at the property? Mesa has had one grievance going on since 2003 and still going. The company lost and has refused to pay, nothing has happened thus far. Lets say the company refuses to pay what happens next? Can they actually be forced to pay? So far Mesa has not paid and appears to just keep appealing the process. I think these are important questions for everyone to see.

At least they have the options and possibility you stated. You have neither.
At least they have the options and possibility you stated. You have neither.

Perhaps but theoretically lets say a company refuses to pay like Mesa. Is there any true end to the cycle or do you just sit there chasing appeals the rest of your career? What good does it do to win if you get caught up in appeals for years? What happens to all the pilots that quit in that time?
Perhaps but theoretically lets say a company refuses to pay like Mesa. Is there any true end to the cycle or do you just sit there chasing appeals the rest of your career? What good does it do to win if you get caught up in appeals for years? What happens to all the pilots that quit in that time?

The point is you are fighting for what is yours, and not just taking it in the behind whenever management decides to stick it to you.
This is actually good news and can help the case for a raise for everyone.

Skywest pilots could have helped the "case for a raise for everyone" recently, especially given the large company profits, but you yourself have said on many occasions you are unwilling to bear the burden of lifting the bar for other pilot groups by fighting for industry-leading pay. Even after all that, you state once again that you are willing to ride on the coattails of ALPA union pilots so that you might get a payraise.

When is it gonna be HelloNewman's turn to fight to raise compensation across the industry? The answers to your questions will come in the next 14 days.

BTW, you're welcome.

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