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FLOPS Strike ballots are being sent out !!!

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No you are not a scab..... unless you cross the line to fly a FLOPS airplane....if you flying a trip that your charter company assigns to you, and its for a FLOPS owner ( you may or may not know this) .... you are in no way whatsoever a scab.

Its just like AA striking and passengers going to UA or any other airline.... the pilots flying the striking carriers passengers are not scabs.

The only reason I bring this up is someone earlier on this thread floated his pipe dream of charter pilots who fly trips for FLOPS owners when FLOPS is on strike will be scabs. Its laughable and wont stick..... and I sure wont refuse a trip and get fired.
OK how about this...I'm a furloughed FLOPs pilot currently working with x Charter Company. FLOPs hires my company to do a trip. Am I a scab because I'm furloughed from FLOPs?

Good grief, NO.

I'll speak clearly and slowly......

A SCAB is a person who crosses a legal/active picket line for the sole purpose of taking your job. That's IT!

Good grief.....
You are 100% correct!

Trying telling that to TurboHonda.....he has a catch all definition to make himself happy.
Actually, anybody who flies a plane while FLOPS is on strike is a SCAB. Also, if you pilot a boat in a harbor you too would be a scab.

If you fly a kite..scab. If you get high...you're a scab. All the airline pilots...scabs, the pax too. In fact, if you look up then you are a scab. Ironically, if you skin your knee your not a scab, but if you put a band aid on it you would be as you're now hiding a scab.
You are 100% correct!

Trying telling that to TurboHonda.....he has a catch all definition to make himself happy.

It appears that TurboHonda made a lasting impression on you.

I haven’t posted in weeks and you’re still acting righteously indignant. What’s the deal? A strike hasn’t happened yet and you appear to be looking for approval to jump into the middle of someone else’s hardship. Do you really think that you can assist FLOPS management and not get some dirt on you?

For the record: I never said that FLOPS owners couldn’t find alternate transportation. That’s absolutely their right. I do have a problem with FLOPS conducting business as usual while their own pilots are striking or locked out.

Anyone who knowingly assists FLOPS in such an endeavor is less than honorable, in my opinion.

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