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FLOPS Strike ballots are being sent out !!!

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What Skanza and others may not realize is that those on furlough who were MIGs before being furloughed are eligible to vote. Everyone I keep in touch with who was furloughed supports a strike. We have over 200 on the street and I would guess about 75% were MIGs before the furlough.

If a strike happens all who cross will be scabs.

Do you hear that.....Skanza and NB/Red Eye.....SCAB/SUCKER/STUPID FOOL.....THink of your CAREER.....Think down the long road, not the short one.
This thing is done, the 1108 already knows what it is going to do. No matter what you or I has to say about it. It's up to bigger heads then you or me. TA/OPT coud have put this thing down years ago. They decided not to....They requested and received this fight....! GOD SPEED JOHN GLEN.
This ole train is gonna keep on rolling, right on down the line....

Kudos to the Flt Ops pilots and families! Your determination and willingness to stand up for yourselves and the frac industry do you credit. Hang in there! There's light at the end of the tunnel. Best Wishes, NJW

And as always, you fail to tell them that the light at the end of the tunnel is that big old train coming from the other direction that is going to put them and the rest of the company on the full-time unemployment line.
I'm sorry, did somebody say something? :rolleyes:

Seriously though. What is the timeline now? I'm familiar with RLA.

Negotiating impasse declared, binding arbitration offered, rejected, 30 day cooling off, self help (I think I got them all). Question is, where are FLOPS and 1108 in that timeline? Anyone?
If there is not a TA by the end of the next negotiation round which ends on the 30th that is when the impasse will probably be declared.
If it goes to a cooling off period we are looking at the first few days of December when we will be in a legal strike position.
I think you are on to something Skanza. I'm not sure how many pilots we currently have, but I'll call it 400. If 40% are migs, thats 160 pilots. If 90% of them voted, thats 144 pilots. And 90% of them voted yes, thats 130 pilots. That means 170 are not in favor of this joke of union. Go ahead and strike guys, myself and 169 others are going to work. Not to mention the tons we have on furlough. Looks like we are the majority.[/QUOTE

I like your new math.
You better rethink that logic. Just because a pilot isnt a MIGS doesnt mean he doesnt support the union. The whole thing of paying dues before a contract is the only reason many pilots are not in good standing. I have talked to many pilots who I know are not in good standing but will not cross a picket line.

My guess is probably 75 to 80% of the pilots will not cross.
If he flew struck work, wouldn't that make him a scab?

The ONLY person who will be a SCAB is one that is hired by FLOPS as a new hire and pilots a FLOPS airplane. Some have other fantasies...... but thats the only definition of a SCAB.

If AA goes on strike and passengers are re-booked on all the other airlines are the pilots flying the "struck work" SCABS? I think not.... its a pipe dream.
The ONLY person who will be a SCAB is one that is hired by FLOPS as a new hire and pilots a FLOPS airplane. Some have other fantasies...... but thats the only definition of a SCAB.

If AA goes on strike and passengers are re-booked on all the other airlines are the pilots flying the "struck work" SCABS? I think not.... its a pipe dream.

I believe you are wrong. Any pilot currently employed at FLOPS who crosses the line during a strike is also a scab. I do agree any pilots hired during a strike who cross the line are also scabs.
I believe you are wrong. Any pilot currently employed at FLOPS who crosses the line during a strike is also a scab. I do agree any pilots hired during a strike who cross the line are also scabs.

I stand corrected.... that person would also be a scab. There is someone on here with some pipe dream that charter pilots could possibly fly "struck work" and be scabs....

I say this... I will hand them my busines card to get my name correct. And the little list that some may make using this myth of "struck work" will mean nothing then or in the future. Im not losing my job because of this company-pilot fight... I wish them the best but im not getting fired from a non-union job because of them. That being said I would never cross a line if I was a FLOPS pilot or would I go there to fly there airplanes....but people cant arbitrarily make up there own definition and scope of the word scab.
*their airplanes... oops
I stand corrected.... that person would also be a scab. There is someone on here with some pipe dream that charter pilots could possibly fly "struck work" and be scabs....

I say this... I will hand them my busines card to get my name correct. And the little list that some may make using this myth of "struck work" will mean nothing then or in the future. Im not losing my job because of this company-pilot fight... I wish them the best but im not getting fired from a non-union job because of them. That being said I would never cross a line if I was a FLOPS pilot or would I go there to fly there airplanes....but people cant arbitrarily make up there own definition and scope of the word scab.

OK how about this...I'm a furloughed FLOPs pilot currently working with x Charter Company. FLOPs hires my company to do a trip. Am I a scab because I'm furloughed from FLOPs?

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